Friday, January 21, 2011

Thesis Statement For A Abortion

to save: stop the cuts to look for an alternative to commuters

Councillor Vesco has already stated that there are not enough money. We have already suggested alternatives (such as efficient as possible traveling time) but which were not taken into account, now the question is: given that the cuts the government made them, but we are really doing everything necessary to safeguard the transport result in Liguria? Or are we raising a white flag as it were resigned to the inevitable? No one says that the solutions are simple, but it is at times difficult that demonstrates the ability to find answers from those who have the responsibility of an area as sensitive and important as that of local public transport.

This is the text of the press release issued January 19 by: WWF Liguria, Liguria Legambiente, Coordination of commuters Liguria, Genoa-Milan Newsletter, Defense of the Citizen Movement, Cub Cars, Acqui Commuters Association, Association Novesi of commuters, commuters in the West, want to live.

dall'esecutività cuts in 10 days to 70 trains still no response to requests from the Liguria region of commuters and Associations, which make forcefully sought to stay CUT AT LEAST 10 OTHER TRAINS FOR 30 DAYS BASIC We are very surprised that, despite the urgent appeals of the Committees and Associations commuters (not only from Liguria, but also from Piedmont and Lombardy), the Department for Transportation Liguria Region not only has not indicated any form compensation to alleviate the serious inconvenience caused by the imminence of the potential abolition of 70 regional trains in the Programme of Ligurian year, but has not provided detailed responses to requests from all over the territory and the users. With a sense of responsibility bodies petitioners are seeking the alderman of Transportation: leave the enforceability per 30 giorni di 10 treni (su 70 inseriti dalla Regione Liguria nella cosiddetta blacklist) fondamentali per una mobilità minima:

L’esecutività dei tagli di questi 10 treni dovrà essere posticipata almeno al 1° marzo 2011 per quelli il cui taglio previsto era per il 1°febbraio 2011 e revocata per quelli il cui taglio era previsto per giugno, impegnando i 30 giorni ad avviare tutti gli incontri necessari con le associazioni di pendolari al fine di ricercare: -cofinanziamento del R 2199 da parte della Regione Lombardia e della Regione Piemonte; -cofinanziamento dei R 21169 e 6183 da parte della Regione Piemonte e della Provincia di Alessandria; -fonti alternative di finanziamento of R 21084, 21055, 21134, 21111, 11391, 11390, 6223,-developing a plan to substitute road links to the other trains which are expected to be removed. We therefore call on the Transport Department of Regione Liguria to provide immediate feedback on this request.


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