A journalistic investigation that proposes a theme dear to us and has often been raised: the lengthening of journey times on regional trains. A minute now, a minute tomorrow, and here the times soaring ... but not only rise beyond the prices. Paid from the pockets of citizens.
by The daily act of January 26, 2011
The payment mechanism of the regions an incentive for local trains to slow down again, every minute in most cases can cost the regional increases cost of almost € 80 thousand
Poor commuters. It was not enough dirt, lack of punctuality, overcrowding. Now it turns out that the trains are increasingly regional plan through no fault of the media too old, inadequate guidelines or fate cynical and cheat. According to many experts, particularly those Assoutenti, the case is different and is called "service contract" or, as the railways, "the contract in the catalog."
Under this kind of understanding between the parameters used to calculate the price that the regions should correspond to Trenitalia (FS) for local trains, the time factor has become critical. The longer it takes to walk a line, the more the price goes up. Since the duration of a given path is not established by a third, neutral between regions and railways, but by the Railways themselves through the company RFI (Italian Railway Network) is a strong suspicion that this may be tempted to stretch the time to enable the sister company Trenitalia to collect more money. Before
not working so until 2009 to determine the price of each train were referred soprattutto alla lunghezza della tratta. Ci sono anche altri elementi che assieme al tempo concorrono a stabilire il prezzo base dei treni, dai posti a sedere al coefficiente di riempimento dei vagoni.
Con un’offerta inferiore a 150 posti a treno, per esempio, il prezzo orario è di circa 518 euro l’ora e sale fino a 811 euro quando i posti disponibili sono oltre 600. Poi ci sono le maggiorazioni: più 18 per cento per i festivi (sabato compreso), i notturni (più 16 per cento), l’età dei vagoni (più 10 per cento se hanno meno di 12 anni o se restaurati di recente), il load factor (l’indice di riempimento) che comporta una maggiorazione del 10 per cento, se i posti occupati sono meno del 20 percent of those offerti.Sarà a coincidence, but in fact, for some 'time, especially since the contract system is changed, the regional trains are always slower.
The examples are plenty. In the summer of 16 years ago, the average time of a regional official travel between Bolzano and Verona was 108 minutes, in the winter of 2010 rose to 121 minutes (+12 percent), between Florence and Rome, the increase was of 37 minutes (+ 18.5 percent), between Rome and Ancona 22 minutes (+ 9.5 percent), between Rome and Sulmona 12 minutes (+7.5 percent), and between Avezzano Roccasecca 13 minutes (+ 12). The increase was particularly sharp in recent months: Average 10 percent from 2008 to 2010 between Rome and Florence, 2 per cent between Bolzano and Verona, between Rome and Ancona 2.5, plus 5 Roma-Sulmona, Avezzano-plus 2.5 Roccasecca.In dance there are a lot of money. Engineers have calculated that on a line where they run 15 pairs of trains (30 trains per day) with fewer than 150 people every minute journey involves a more in additional cost to the region of about 78 000 euro per year. Since the trains are thousands and journey times have increased on many lines, it is easy to suppose that the cash Trenitalia have grown a lot. As it is impossible to say exactly, because Fs are not intended to provide these data considered confidential, and in particular they do not want to give it Done, judged a newspaper is not objective. " Obviously
Railways vehemently denies the suspicion to the ridge on local trains. They argue that the time factor behind the price agreed with the regions because the cost of rail transport is determined primarily by the cost of personnel, and capitreno drivers. The longer it takes to connect one location to another, more work is needed and it is obvious that the price rise of the service. Technicians dell'Assoutenti argue, however, that the cost of labor is 60, more than 70 percent of the total, the rest is machine wear, cleaning, depreciation, energy, maintenance. And if it is true that labor costs increases as a function of time, other costs, however, should be determined solely by the length of routes. Grow and so these in relation to time according to these experts is an operation that would cause "undue advantage" to Trenitalia.
Returning to the example of the first (15 pairs of trains with less than 150 seats), € 78 000 per year received from Trenitalia for each minute of walking more, 23 000 would be "unfair." The FS also maintain that the journey times often grow because the regions want more stops, perhaps to meet the needs of commuters, and links takes time. Also because proprio nel 2008 le stesse Fs hanno introdotto una nuova disciplina per le soste obbligatorie in stazione sulle linee minori, portandole da 30 secondi a un minuto tondo. Di fatto, allungando i tempi di percorrenza, le Fs ottengono anche un altro vantaggio: evitano le sanzioni per gli eventuali ritardi.
Con tempi di percorrenza più lunghi, infatti, è molto più difficile che un treno accumuli ritardi ed è molto più facile schivare le multe.Di fronte a queste realtà, alcune Regioni, dopo esser state indotte dal governo Berlusconi ad affidare i servizi ferroviari a Trenitalia senza gara per 6 anni rinnovabili per altri 6, cominciano a rendersi conto che non è stata affatto una buona idea e vorrebbero fare marcia indietro. Finché the state has continued to transfer without batting an eye, funds to pay for the trains, they have not made too many scruples, but now that the economy minister, Giulio Tremonti, the law of stability has cut funds by preventing the regions could participate in the proceeds of the excise duty on diesel fuel (nearly 1 billion and 200 million euro), the picture has changed completely for them and worse.
To honor the contracts with Trenitalia, the regions were put in front of two roads not very pleasing and popular, raise fares by an average of 30 percent compared to 2010 and reduce services, 15. To this are thinking to reconsider the contracts with the Fs. The Conference of the Regions, ie the political body that represents them, has already written plainly in a document: "The budget is a novelty that causes consequential effects in terms of validity and effectiveness or at least rinegoziabilità contracts."
Made From Newspaper of January 26, 2010
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