Sunday, January 16, 2011

Strangle Or Strangled Or Strangling

Genoa, Zarin, "Yes a railway junction, no additional costs for commuters"

from Genoa
Genoa. Railway junction at the start: Genoa in five years will have "its" metropolitan area. Between costs and benefits of a work that, at least on paper, will revolutionize urban mobility, the inconvenience of the construction site with which the city will have to face today scare the above category of commuters. After you start all the sites, in fact, the long-distance trains will find alternative routes, while regional trains will suffer temporary cuts necessary to carry out the work.

"The work that, for example, soon touch the area of \u200b\u200bSampierdarena involve a ban on some tracks and then a reduction in supply, especially for regional trains - he said Massimo Iorana responsible Fs direction territorial production of Genoa - will try to minimize as possible through the modality, creating offers that are able to meet the needs. "

"The desire to coordinate so far demonstrated is certainly good - Sonia said Zarin, President of commuters Liguria - for us that we should address the major inconvenience is essential that we proceed in this direction. Agree the benefits that this work will in the future, the important thing though - Zarino stressed - is that there are increased costs for commuters. If, for example, we were forced to use the bus instead of train, we should be able to use the season ticket as the ticket for the bus. "


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