Saturday, January 29, 2011

Women Calves Headscissor

cuts in sight, the first reports, on the east and west

Dal 1° febbraio partono gli aumenti (+ 15% gli abbonamenti, +25% i biglietti singoli) e i tagli ai treni regionali che, si disse, non sarebbero stati effettuati in fascia pendolare. Ed invece, stando alle prime segnalazioni, anche questa fascia sarebbe interessata.

Treno 2044 La Spezia - Genova
C.G., una pendolare che abita a Framura e lavora a Camogli, utilizza il treno 2044 che attualmente parte alle 6.03 da La Spezia ma che dal 1° febbraio partirà da Sestri Levante. Insieme a lei salgono a Framura anche altre persone: tra esse una docente universitaria di Genova, una studentessa del liceo Marconi, e altri.
Con comprensibile angoscia si chiedono come fare per poter continuare a utilizzare il treno per i loro spostamenti senza dover sconvolgere le loro vite.
Se davvero l'orario verrà cambiato nel modo da noi descritto, è chiaro che si pone il problema di come garantire una alternativa valida per salvaguardare il diritto alla mobilità di queste persone, così come tutte quelle che, da La Spezia a Riva Trigoso, si vedono togliere un collegamento in un orario così importante per i pendolari.

Treni 6223/6224 (Ventimiglia-Imperia Oneglia e ritorno)
E.M. ci segnala quest'altra problematica sulla Riviera di west: the suppression of the pair of trains 6223/6224 summer (Ventimiglia, Imperia Oneglia and vice versa.) seeks a full time traveling by train commuters and that is particularly attractive not only for high school students, but also for all those workers commuters who have to travel daily between the Riviera di Ponente. The train 6223, it allows you to reach Oneglia by 8.00, to the benefit of those who must be present at work before 8.30 (11,263 following the train, in fact, comes to Oneglia, on time, to 8.26, leaving virtually no room for those who must stamp incoming work within 8.30). Several workers who have this need, in First, for example, bank employees. The 6224 (made with the same material) allows instead to Imperia working in the area to the west to come to work within the 9.00.La situation of the railway service on the west coast already with the current time is paradoxical: it was created through huge public investments, a new one, and fast double track between Bordighera and San Lorenzo, which is achieved without a significant increase in frequency and only in peak times (or even all of the reports) the service provides a quasi-rhythmic every 30 minutes between Ventimiglia and Imperia, while in times of soft and you can see "holes" of over an hour. È evidente quindi come le potenzialità della linea nuova in termini di capacità non vengano affatto sfruttate. In considerazione di ciò, la soppressione della coppia di treni 6223/6224, per giunta in pieno orario pendolare, suona quasi come una beffa, penalizzando ulteriormente gli utenti di un servizio già scarso di per sé.Dalla soppressione di questo treno consegue un buco di oltre un’ora tra Imperia e Ventimiglia (nessun treno tra le 7.31 e le 8.41) e il buco di un’ora tra Ventimiglia e Imperia (nessun treno tra le 6.46 e le 7.48). Le conseguenze sull’utenza di questa rarefazione delle frequenze saranno importanti: chi non ha a disposizione un mezzo privato e non può adattare gli orari del proprio lavoro all’offerta di treni, si troverebbe a dover prendere il treno precedente, con conseguenti grandi perdite di tempo nella stazione di arrivo. L’eventuale utilizzo dell’autobus comporta tempi di percorrenza più che raddoppiati rispetto al treno, nonché, ovviamente, il rischio di trovarsi congestionati nel traffico, che d’estate nell’imperiese è molto intenso, specialmente nell’orario di punta serale. Chi invece ha a disposizione un mezzo privato, verrebbe invogliato a servirsi di quello, nella migliore delle ipotesi attraverso il car pooling, o nella peggiore utilizzandolo singolarmente. Da notare poi che la soppressione di un treno ha effetti negativi anche sugli altri treni della stessa tratta, nella misura in cui un viaggiatore perso su una determinata tratta ferroviaria, in seguito ad un mancato collegamento (per esempio quello del mattino), implica anche un mancato guadagno sul collegamento in senso opposto, a detrimento della redditività di quest’ultimo.Si chiede pertanto alla Regione di mantenere tutti quei collegamenti che vengono utilizzati da pendolari, quantomeno nei giorni dal lunedì al venerdì, di cui la coppia di treni 6223/6224 fa parte. Se anche questa misura non fosse sufficiente per raggiungere una situazione di equilibrio con i finanziamenti disponibili, si chiede che i tagli riguardino il solo mese di agosto, durante il quale l’attività economica è notevolmente ridotta, numerosi pendolari sono in ferie e, per quelli che rimangono, may be easier to ask for adjustments to their working hours.

Think of those who, for example, has already made an annual subscription and you see the twist in time so as not potersene serve more effectively. There is loss of money, of course, and for this you can perhaps ask for a refund. But it's much more serious loss of access to an essential public service to go to work or school, at a minimum. We think that should take care of these people, offering at least of substitute services, such as bus, less expensive than a train but, as we have seen, have the handicap of having to move on already congested roads. But certainly there seems to be insufficient to date the response to these problems, we have repeatedly raised and advanced.
On February is almost upon us, we fear that after the reports will multiply and maybe then you will realize too late the consequences of the cuts will have on regional mobility.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Leg Pain After Chlamydia

Fs, the delay time is money

A journalistic investigation that proposes a theme dear to us and has often been raised: the lengthening of journey times on regional trains. A minute now, a minute tomorrow, and here the times soaring ... but not only rise beyond the prices. Paid from the pockets of citizens.

by The daily act of January 26, 2011

The payment mechanism of the regions an incentive for local trains to slow down again, every minute in most cases can cost the regional increases cost of almost € 80 thousand

Poor commuters. It was not enough dirt, lack of punctuality, overcrowding. Now it turns out that the trains are increasingly regional plan through no fault of the media too old, inadequate guidelines or fate cynical and cheat. According to many experts, particularly those Assoutenti, the case is different and is called "service contract" or, as the railways, "the contract in the catalog."

Under this kind of understanding between the parameters used to calculate the price that the regions should correspond to Trenitalia (FS) for local trains, the time factor has become critical. The longer it takes to walk a line, the more the price goes up. Since the duration of a given path is not established by a third, neutral between regions and railways, but by the Railways themselves through the company RFI (Italian Railway Network) is a strong suspicion that this may be tempted to stretch the time to enable the sister company Trenitalia to collect more money. Before

not working so until 2009 to determine the price of each train were referred soprattutto alla lunghezza della tratta. Ci sono anche altri elementi che assieme al tempo concorrono a stabilire il prezzo base dei treni, dai posti a sedere al coefficiente di riempimento dei vagoni.

Con un’offerta inferiore a 150 posti a treno, per esempio, il prezzo orario è di circa 518 euro l’ora e sale fino a 811 euro quando i posti disponibili sono oltre 600. Poi ci sono le maggiorazioni: più 18 per cento per i festivi (sabato compreso), i notturni (più 16 per cento), l’età dei vagoni (più 10 per cento se hanno meno di 12 anni o se restaurati di recente), il load factor (l’indice di riempimento) che comporta una maggiorazione del 10 per cento, se i posti occupati sono meno del 20 percent of those offerti.Sarà a coincidence, but in fact, for some 'time, especially since the contract system is changed, the regional trains are always slower.

The examples are plenty. In the summer of 16 years ago, the average time of a regional official travel between Bolzano and Verona was 108 minutes, in the winter of 2010 rose to 121 minutes (+12 percent), between Florence and Rome, the increase was of 37 minutes (+ 18.5 percent), between Rome and Ancona 22 minutes (+ 9.5 percent), between Rome and Sulmona 12 minutes (+7.5 percent), and between Avezzano Roccasecca 13 minutes (+ 12). The increase was particularly sharp in recent months: Average 10 percent from 2008 to 2010 between Rome and Florence, 2 per cent between Bolzano and Verona, between Rome and Ancona 2.5, plus 5 Roma-Sulmona, Avezzano-plus 2.5 Roccasecca.In dance there are a lot of money. Engineers have calculated that on a line where they run 15 pairs of trains (30 trains per day) with fewer than 150 people every minute journey involves a more in additional cost to the region of about 78 000 euro per year. Since the trains are thousands and journey times have increased on many lines, it is easy to suppose that the cash Trenitalia have grown a lot. As it is impossible to say exactly, because Fs are not intended to provide these data considered confidential, and in particular they do not want to give it Done, judged a newspaper is not objective. " Obviously

Railways vehemently denies the suspicion to the ridge on local trains. They argue that the time factor behind the price agreed with the regions because the cost of rail transport is determined primarily by the cost of personnel, and capitreno drivers. The longer it takes to connect one location to another, more work is needed and it is obvious that the price rise of the service. Technicians dell'Assoutenti argue, however, that the cost of labor is 60, more than 70 percent of the total, the rest is machine wear, cleaning, depreciation, energy, maintenance. And if it is true that labor costs increases as a function of time, other costs, however, should be determined solely by the length of routes. Grow and so these in relation to time according to these experts is an operation that would cause "undue advantage" to Trenitalia.

Returning to the example of the first (15 pairs of trains with less than 150 seats), € 78 000 per year received from Trenitalia for each minute of walking more, 23 000 would be "unfair." The FS also maintain that the journey times often grow because the regions want more stops, perhaps to meet the needs of commuters, and links takes time. Also because proprio nel 2008 le stesse Fs hanno introdotto una nuova disciplina per le soste obbligatorie in stazione sulle linee minori, portandole da 30 secondi a un minuto tondo. Di fatto, allungando i tempi di percorrenza, le Fs ottengono anche un altro vantaggio: evitano le sanzioni per gli eventuali ritardi.

Con tempi di percorrenza più lunghi, infatti, è molto più difficile che un treno accumuli ritardi ed è molto più facile schivare le multe.Di fronte a queste realtà, alcune Regioni, dopo esser state indotte dal governo Berlusconi ad affidare i servizi ferroviari a Trenitalia senza gara per 6 anni rinnovabili per altri 6, cominciano a rendersi conto che non è stata affatto una buona idea e vorrebbero fare marcia indietro. Finché the state has continued to transfer without batting an eye, funds to pay for the trains, they have not made too many scruples, but now that the economy minister, Giulio Tremonti, the law of stability has cut funds by preventing the regions could participate in the proceeds of the excise duty on diesel fuel (nearly 1 billion and 200 million euro), the picture has changed completely for them and worse.

To honor the contracts with Trenitalia, the regions were put in front of two roads not very pleasing and popular, raise fares by an average of 30 percent compared to 2010 and reduce services, 15. To this are thinking to reconsider the contracts with the Fs. The Conference of the Regions, ie the political body that represents them, has already written plainly in a document: "The budget is a novelty that causes consequential effects in terms of validity and effectiveness or at least rinegoziabilità contracts."

Made From Newspaper of January 26, 2010

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Funeral Home Confidentiality

Subscriptions: you can buy, but only with the rise!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Microbrew Microwave Coffee Pot

"Knot, by 2016, work will be completed" But the same Mercatali, director of RFI, wonders if there will be free on trains

Monday, January 24, 2011

Disposable Cake Liners

Bike Week black

E 'signature of the agreement that allows users to train regional Ligurian bring your bike on without paying the extra € 3.5 per day.
Should I turn, having a ticket, the controller that will give a token (used to detect the actual use of the service).
E 'valid, as an experiment for one year and in view of the results may be renewed for years to come.
The Annex also contains the list of trains on which you can use the service.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What To Do With My Teal Walls

Liguria regional commuter the east: 10 train delays and cancellations

What is going to end it was a week of genuine passion for the commuter line La Spezia - Genoa: 11258, alone, totaled more than 1 hour and a half late!

The facts, documented by travelers:
It starts on Monday 17, when the regional 11303 Savona and La Spezia in La Spezia arrived at 20.25 instead of 'as 19.12 hours. And I'm already late 1.13, or 73 minutes.

The next morning, Tuesday 18, here we go again: the regional-11258 Sarzana Savona Sestri Ponente is reached rather than the 8.26 to 8.53, as per schedule. And others are 27 minutes. The funny thing is that you are on time at 8.00 Brignole, is broken down to 8.15 and ran aground in Prince and then again after he had "given way" a train to Albenga. Of course no one, least of all the railroad men, who knew the two would leave first. People who bet on the wrong train was found in almost half an hour late. Thursday, 20

poor regional 11258 scored a new delay, arriving at 8:42 instead of at the Sestri Ponente 8.26. This time we are "only" 16 minutes late. And this time it was late already Brignole, arriving at about 8:20.

And finally, you end up with a flourish Friday 21: At the station of La Spezia, the regional train 2044 of 6.03 (La Spezia, Turin) and 'those who have been deleted and replaced? But clearly, the regional-11258 Sarzana Savona of 6.27! And with what result? The 11,258 expected to arrive at regional Sestri Ponente at 8:26 and there 'came to 9.16. Total: 50 minutes late.

By two accounts, the region has accumulated 11,258 a week in 1 hour and 33 minutes late!

We ask ourselves, who pays for permission to make up the time these days? And any disciplinary letters? We realize that systematically arrive late for work more seriously jeopardize the relationship with companies and penalize significantly the working environment of employees?

Many are those who have opted to use public transport because of their unreliability, unfortunately, the evolution these years can only reinforce their decision to make use of private vehicles, despite their spending more on gasoline, tolls and the same psycho-physical.

Thesis Statement For A Abortion

to save: stop the cuts to look for an alternative to commuters

Councillor Vesco has already stated that there are not enough money. We have already suggested alternatives (such as efficient as possible traveling time) but which were not taken into account, now the question is: given that the cuts the government made them, but we are really doing everything necessary to safeguard the transport result in Liguria? Or are we raising a white flag as it were resigned to the inevitable? No one says that the solutions are simple, but it is at times difficult that demonstrates the ability to find answers from those who have the responsibility of an area as sensitive and important as that of local public transport.

This is the text of the press release issued January 19 by: WWF Liguria, Liguria Legambiente, Coordination of commuters Liguria, Genoa-Milan Newsletter, Defense of the Citizen Movement, Cub Cars, Acqui Commuters Association, Association Novesi of commuters, commuters in the West, want to live.

dall'esecutività cuts in 10 days to 70 trains still no response to requests from the Liguria region of commuters and Associations, which make forcefully sought to stay CUT AT LEAST 10 OTHER TRAINS FOR 30 DAYS BASIC We are very surprised that, despite the urgent appeals of the Committees and Associations commuters (not only from Liguria, but also from Piedmont and Lombardy), the Department for Transportation Liguria Region not only has not indicated any form compensation to alleviate the serious inconvenience caused by the imminence of the potential abolition of 70 regional trains in the Programme of Ligurian year, but has not provided detailed responses to requests from all over the territory and the users. With a sense of responsibility bodies petitioners are seeking the alderman of Transportation: leave the enforceability per 30 giorni di 10 treni (su 70 inseriti dalla Regione Liguria nella cosiddetta blacklist) fondamentali per una mobilità minima:

L’esecutività dei tagli di questi 10 treni dovrà essere posticipata almeno al 1° marzo 2011 per quelli il cui taglio previsto era per il 1°febbraio 2011 e revocata per quelli il cui taglio era previsto per giugno, impegnando i 30 giorni ad avviare tutti gli incontri necessari con le associazioni di pendolari al fine di ricercare: -cofinanziamento del R 2199 da parte della Regione Lombardia e della Regione Piemonte; -cofinanziamento dei R 21169 e 6183 da parte della Regione Piemonte e della Provincia di Alessandria; -fonti alternative di finanziamento of R 21084, 21055, 21134, 21111, 11391, 11390, 6223,-developing a plan to substitute road links to the other trains which are expected to be removed. We therefore call on the Transport Department of Regione Liguria to provide immediate feedback on this request.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Electronic Bingo Machine

harassed by cuts and increases delivered Tappiro slate

could not miss in the Ligurian commuter trophy, the prestigious "Tappiro slate," the Corriere della coveted Fontanabuona and the Levant, paid tribute to a category of the most mistreated Here as elsewhere in Italy.
The artistic statue was handed over on Saturday afternoon (January 15) in the hands of the president, Sonia Zarin, who received it on behalf of commuters in Liguria, in fact very "attappirati" to the recent announcements of fare increases and service cuts that will start from February 1. The ceremony took place
nice, very informally, in the station of Lavagna, always very popular with passengers despite the ticket office closed in the afternoon and on holidays. (They worked, however, the two ticket machines, as we moved).
thank the Courier for the nice initiative, which helps to keep the attention on the problems of many citizens who use public transport and Maura Bregante particular, the ex-journalist commuter sponsoring the initiative.

Strangle Or Strangled Or Strangling

Genoa, Zarin, "Yes a railway junction, no additional costs for commuters"

from Genoa
Genoa. Railway junction at the start: Genoa in five years will have "its" metropolitan area. Between costs and benefits of a work that, at least on paper, will revolutionize urban mobility, the inconvenience of the construction site with which the city will have to face today scare the above category of commuters. After you start all the sites, in fact, the long-distance trains will find alternative routes, while regional trains will suffer temporary cuts necessary to carry out the work.

"The work that, for example, soon touch the area of \u200b\u200bSampierdarena involve a ban on some tracks and then a reduction in supply, especially for regional trains - he said Massimo Iorana responsible Fs direction territorial production of Genoa - will try to minimize as possible through the modality, creating offers that are able to meet the needs. "

"The desire to coordinate so far demonstrated is certainly good - Sonia said Zarin, President of commuters Liguria - for us that we should address the major inconvenience is essential that we proceed in this direction. Agree the benefits that this work will in the future, the important thing though - Zarino stressed - is that there are increased costs for commuters. If, for example, we were forced to use the bus instead of train, we should be able to use the season ticket as the ticket for the bus. "

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Cara fairy still do not know who you are ...... 5th and last part

Cara fairy now I know who you are! My new ooak fairy is called "Vivian" was modeled with polymer clay Sculpey Living Doll. Vivienne
is about 26 cm high. (10 1 / 4 inch) including the base and the hairstyle. The base is made of wood covered with paper decoupage and glitter.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Does Scorpio Man Flirt


(ASCA) - Genoa, Jan. 14 -''Today, along with the City and State Railways of , we have given the go-ahead operation after the preliminary work, the intervention of more than € 600 million to remake the railway junction Genoa.'' The announced Today the President of the Region Liguria Claudio Burlando at the end of the meeting held with the Railways and the City of Genoa, in the presence of assessors to infrastructure and transport of the Liguria Region, Raffaella and Enrico Paita Vesco and the deputy mayor and city councilor economic development, Paul and Mario Pissarello margins. Sara'''ready in 2016 - said the president - and will allow' to all long distance freight trains and not to stay more 'for the old line that will be able to' so 'become in effect in an underground urban railway with frequencies very significant.'' This''- he said Burlando - a work of strategic goods to the port and in perspective for Third Crossing and the local public transport in the capital. For this reason, and 'wanted to maintain the integrated fare ticket, a very important tradition of this city. It 's a very complex contract that will be' followed consistently, starting today, both from the region both by the City Council with the aim of not wasting time and offer this service to the citizens of Genoa within five years''.'' Everything 'means - has clarified the regional president - that there can' be an impact in terms of noise and road conditions' and more 'out you can' a slight reduction of the commuter train, as a result of the work, but the result will be 'the creation of two new tracks, between Genoa and Genoa Brignole and Voltri Enhancing the supply of traffic, both for the coastal strip for Valpolcevera, with the possibility 'of an increase from 50 to 100 percent of the frequency of regional trains in the urban area''.res / mcc / rob ->

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ewing Sneakers For Sale

Cara fairy still do not know who you ...... 4 ° part

Finally my fairy style 700 'is over! I miss only the photos for the moment I can not do due to bad weather ........... too little light, so I put off but in the meantime you can show the hair and the wings in the picture are very more colorful because lean on a white table but in reality it is transparent once put on the fairy will be much less colorful.

The news regarding the wings (as you can see last photo) that have been made in part by incorporating a magnet that since the back of the fairy, there are two hidden magnets remain attached to the wings with fairy the magnets.

Honestly when I got this idea I thought to save time and also to do something more practical for those who must then enter the wings, that does not include the wings with my other method was a job that takes away a whole day! It took a moment with the old method, however, in any case I discovered that this method takes much more time to prepare everything, not so easy to incorporate the magnet and then at the end I do not think it is worth punishment, in any event when I magnets for four other fairies that I think I will use again ............ ........... at least I think we'll see ^ _ ^

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Brazilian Womans Soccer Team

Calendar "Terra de Duendes" Dear fairy

I recommend you go to visit the blog of "Terra de Duendes" who had the funny idea to put a stake in its 2011 calendar with all its charming characters !

Billy Goat Leaf Vacuum


After the proclamations of the Liguria region that would be considered a bulwark of the rights of commuters are witnessing a further waving the "white flag". Why
Assessor Vesco has used a repeated failure to comply with the Service Charter which object to "trade" with the usual Trenitalia been very little comprehensive risarcizioni, with little obvious benefit for commuters, and allow, once again, to Trenitalia to "save for a corner?

Tanta "gratitude" towards Trenitalia is not enough time is that, out of gratitude, the same cut and increased train fares, as if to say: take the beatings and kiss the stick .....

Assessor Vesco Why not instead have the courage to cancel the contract with Trenitalia as they have done and are now doing other regions? Why not play the Liguria region, as is now planned for some time, the paper also competition in our region?

You get the feeling that the choice of the region is to "reserve" for some "inexplicable" why the "monopoly" and the exclusivity of the transport Trenitalia rail in Liguria. If not it give a response to policy and practice through concrete actions.

Commuters expect soon to see the Official Publication of the EU calls for lots of management drawn Ligurian .......

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Spondylitis Caused By Bone Cancer In Rottweilers

still do not know who you are ...... 3rd part

New Year fairy but unfinished! I finally got to move forward, perhaps as I have said in other post the idea was to make a fairy-style 700 '.
the end, the dress I had in mind are not quite get it to 100% also because of the difficulty of using fabrics that are almost always too thick for sculptures so small, in any case the idea was style 700 'but with much much freedom that I have taken so easily and I'm happy with the result anyway.

Below you can see a few passages of my work. Now lacks only the hair, the base and the wings that I hope to finish soon.

Butalbital Apap Caffeine Plus Tabs Difference

No cuts to the service appeals to the Region Liguria

appeal to the Liguria region of commuter associations, MDC, WWF Liguria, Liguria Legambiente and workers against the cuts in the CUB exercise program

Cut trains would not only prevent the mobility those who have no other means to move if no public transport, but also give up a policy to improve lives by enhancing the social costs and damage the region's economy and worsening the traffic management.

From February start in Liguria significant increases in rates of public transport, but the worst thing is that the increase will be accompanied by further heavy cutting of the service that had already occurred on 13 December last year that involved over four trains path Regional.
In some Italian regions there will be no cuts or increases. In other rate increases will be used but will be compared to an unchanged or service in exchange for an improvement or even offer an efficient service.

Cutting service: a wrong answer to the crisis of resources
In contrast, in addition to price increases (+15% subscriptions, tickets +25%), 70 trains will cut the region with serious consequences for the mobility rights of citizens and those in Liguria Liguria has to go from neighboring regions.

Liguria Region has embraced everything he could do to not get to cut service and raise fares?

Compared to central and northern regions of Liguria is one that invests less time on the rail: 0.12% against 0.27% of the budget of 0.56% in Lombardy and Tuscany. Yet the railway represents a huge opportunity for our region.

Compared to other regions del centro nord, la Liguria è stata anche quella che meno si è impegnata in questi mesi per evitare tagli al servizio.
L'impegno finanziario è stato anche in questa vicenda inferiore a quello destinato da altre regioni.

Ma non è stato purtroppo neanche assunto l'impegno di intervenire per un maggior efficientamento del servizio, che potrebbe portare risparmi consistenti, mentre in altre regioni come la Toscana e il Piemonte a fronte di un impegno finanziario maggiore, si è pianificato anche un efficientamento del servizio ed una contestuale riduzione dei tempi di percorrenza di numerosi treni regionali.

E' noto che i tempi di percorrenza dei treni in Liguria, dal 2000 ad oggi, sono aumentati in alcune tratte by almost 10%. This led, in addition to considerable inconvenience for users, even greater financial burdens for the region. If
were reduced journey times by plotting the current tracks "dilated" even on 2000 values, this could lead to savings of around EUR 6 million.

€ 7 million is the financial value of the trains that will cut the region since February. So, the only policy of efficiency would lead to compensate for almost all the cuts!

But beyond the upstream approach, is the substance of the cuts themselves that there was an unacceptable choice.

cuts decided by the region will mean that it is impossible in fact moving train in the evening in Liguria.

In addition, since February, will be penalized to Saturday service to and from Genoa, and this will have the effect of forcing thousands of people to use cars and bikes to travel to town to shop, to visit an exhibition or go to the movies .

By cutting the regional 11326 La Spezia 22:22 of the resorts on the Riviera di Levante will find themselves even more isolated: we have to wait hours for a train from the east towards Genoa.
From Milan, with the cutting of the regional 2199 22:25 of the last train will be at 21, after which there will be no connection until the morning. From coast
the west with the cancellation of the 22:24 train from Alassio 11391 there will be no way to reach the center and the east coast after 22. In urban Valpolcevera
line, with dozens of cuts in days when one moves to the center for entertainment and shopping will be even more difficult to move, even with damage to the business!
But there are also examples of trains canceled on convenient schedules for commuters to work: the case of trains 6223 (Ventimiglia 7.20 - Imperia 8.00) and 6224 (Imperia 8.12 - 8:58 Ventimiglia), suppressed during the summer months, or 2044 (The 6:03 Spezia - Sestri L. 6:53), deleted every day.

The additional aspect that the situation worse and che a fronte di tagli non è stata prospettata alcuna proposta di riorganizzazione del servizio che attenui l'impatto sociale dei tagli. Non si parla di provvedimenti di riorganizzazione degli orari e delle fermate per compensare il danno alle persone che il taglio del servizio comporterà, né è stata ipotizzata l'introduzione di servizi sostitutivi.
La Regione ha semplicemente cancellato dei treni senza preoccuparsi di quello che succederà prima e dopo e del danno sociale che comporterà.

Un'alternativa ai tagli è possibile, anzi necessaria

Chiediamo alla Regione di cambiare l'approccio tenuto fino ad ora. Il trasporto ferroviario è una priorità della regione al pari di sanità e servizi sociali. Investire nel TPL non è una spesa, ma una prevenzione proprio contro costi sociali e sanitari maggiori, a vantaggio non solo dell'ambiente ma anche di un'economia sostenibile, e quindi:

  • ci sia un impegno ulteriore, così come è stato fatto da altre regioni italiane, per reperire risorse aggiuntive nella misura in cui non sarà più necessario effettuare tagli al servizio;
  • si attui un serio programma di efficientamento del servizio ferroviario. Se per fare una stessa tratta in Liguria si impiegano 40 minuti contro i 30 di dieci anni fa a parità di numero di treni e fermate e i 25 minuti del resto d'Europa, vi sono ampi margini for better service, and then to get the cost savings that pays the Region. You should review the service agreement to include clauses that will lead to a gradual improvement of the service and encourage Trenitalia to achieve the purpose;
  • undertakes to finally draw the Regional Transport Plan required by Legislative Decree 422/97 (otherwise known as Burlando Decree ") provides the minimum service guarantee and a corresponding plan adequate funding;
  • cuts that the plan is frozen at present is unacceptable amounts and arrangements. Most of the cuts will be provided first and foremost a serious impact on vulnerable social groups, but will have effects on overall mobility. The Region will take instead a commitment to check current timetables not only in age but also sabatali evening and rush to reorganize the service to improve the same resources used and agree with their surrounding regions to support mobility between regions.

    Regione Liguria was right in the heart of social, public transport is the first investment in the social sector, both to citizens and to workers in the sector, as well as being an investment for environmentally friendly mobility, land and the region's economy.