Saturday, March 12, 2011

Special Skills For A Cook

Post epico-commemorativo?!

This would be an epic post-Memorial: the penny post.
I had developed a long, sad and boring, not like in form and content myself, I have avoided posting and who knows if it ever will.
I wanted to post that this was a happy or sad, even if not at least write a few hours before leaving may seem a bit 'risky.
This is not to say much more, I just want to dedicate it to those who these days has made me a happy person: thanks.

Shut the door, as I said 12 days ago, opened in Milan.
This is the door that closes and, as always in life, here's yet another to open.

What Size Igloo For A Hedgehog?

La Regione sollecita Trenitalia ad accelerare il completamento del rinnovo degli arredi interni delle carrozze, come da noi più volte richiesto

We received the Councillor Vesco
the annexed letter that refers to the commitment assumed by Trenitalia to continue the work of replacing the seats, resin floors and replacement of the steps is now locked.

Where the revamping has been done, we found a decided improvement in the level of cleanliness and decorum, while the old cloth seats continue to be difficult to clean and are increasingly unpresentable.

continue with these operations is very important to enable firms that perform the cleaning to work better and faster, giving users a better result and more satisfying. E’ prioritario che le famigerate foderine di stoffa siano al più presto tutte sostituite da quelle in materiale sintetico, più facili da pulire con buoni detergenti e disinfettanti.

Ringraziamo l’assessore per questa iniziativa, che ci auguriamo troverà una risposta positiva e tempestiva da parte di Trenitalia.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sample Worksheets On Triple Beam Balance

Moretti chiede risorse per il trasporto merci e passeggeri, ma Matteoli risponde picche

“Prima di tutto merci in treno e basta camion”. Con queste parole l’amministratore delegato di Ferrovie dello Stato, Mauro Moretti, ha rilanciato l’idea dello sviluppo del settore cargo. Una sfida che si unisce a quella dei pendolari nelle grandi città, per i quali, secondo Moretti ci vogliono risorse maggiori. Intervenendo alla presentazione del Treno Verde 2011 di Fs e Legambiente, l’ad di Ferrovie dello Stato ha escluso lo spacchettamento del cargo. “Il Paese ha bisogno che le merci vengano portate in treno”, ha detto Moretti, “e questo deve avvenire non nei tratturi, ma attraverso i grandi corridoi europei e i grandi centri modali. Ci stiamo attrezzando con il Piano di sviluppo sulle merci con una visione europea e faremo la nostra battaglia”.“Il Piano non c’è, ancora lo stiamo costruendo”, ha detto Moretti, spiegando che quando sarà pronto verrà presentato a tutti. “A differenza di quello che è venuto fuori dalle prime indiscrezioni, ci sono due punti su cui stiamo focalizzando l’attenzione. Il primo problema have the goods on this train and also propose conditions, because if we had the same rules they have in France and Germany could significantly increase the goods train. If we are many, it is likely that we can win this challenge. The other problem are the commuters in large cities, who need more services and it takes more resources, "Moretti added, without specifying where it should get the resources. "We are ready with a lot of what we can do as a company, but we also want more money. If we can overcome these two challenges, we made a big step forward for the country, "said Moretti, pointing out that all the players involved need to their part. "We'll see who gives us a hand. We can not all want the development of goods by train and then anyone who takes a step. "
But the Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation freeze proposals Moretti: "I do not feel a strong commitment to take on the functionality of the railways in freight transport. Matteoli said, in the Public Works Committee hearing in the Senate, adding that "it is difficult to return to rail transport", especially after talking with some counterparts in the European ministers. Matteoli said he believed "a lot on the motorways of the sea and not having stepped up in recent years has been wrong." However, ha rilevato, “pedaggiare alcune strade può favorire” il trasferimento del trasporto delle merci. Le parole di Matteoli hanno immediatamente provocato una serie di reazioni. Assoferr, l’associazione degli operatori ferroviari e intermodali, ha espresso “profondo sconcerto e preoccupazione” per le frasi del ministro dei Trasporti. “Speriamo in una pronta rettifica da parte del ministro poiché, in una situazione in cui le ferrovie merci hanno già perso 24 milioni di treni/km in tre anni, si tratterebbe di una totale resa verso la necessità di un riequilibrio modale necessario invece per dare al Paese un sistema logistico e trasportistico moderno ed ecologicamente sostenibile. Assoferr auspica al contrario un impegno strong by the Government in the completion of the liberalization of the rail market and creating the conditions that make it effective, with all necessary guarantees of transparency and security. "Even James Patrick, president of FerCargo, the association of the Italian private rail freight, Matteoli said the words: "We are surprised and incredulous," said Patrick, "before the words spoken by the Transport Minister Matteoli. To say that freight rail is a way to leave is uneconomic, short-sighted from an environmental perspective, and is undoubtedly detrimental to the logistic system of the country and in the streets italiane, già al collasso. Il ministro ha deciso di smentire se stesso, non si spiega altrimenti perché negli ultimi due anni abbia sempre sostenuto il contrario di quanto dichiarato ieri (mercoledì, ndr)”, afferma Di Patrizi, sottolineando che “a differenza dell’Italia, Paesi come Francia, Svizzera e Germania, stanno investendo pesantemente nel trasporto su ferro, registrando tassi di crescita notevoli, anche del 15 per cento annuo. E questa è esattamente la direzione indicata dall’Unione Europea. Ci auguriamo che quanto dichiarato dal ministro non si traduca in atti e azioni concrete verso lo smantellamento del sistema ferroviario del trasporto delle merci: sarebbe devastane non solo per il comparto, ma soprattutto per l’industria, l’ambiente, e per la competitività dell’intero sistema Paese”.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yorkshire Puddings Sticking To Pan

Treni soppressi da Savona al levante, mattinata infernale: rivolta dei pendolari


Genova. Non è certo cominciata bene la giornata per chi utilizza il treno come mezzo di spostamento dal ponente al levante. Il regionale 11247, proveniente da Savona e diretto a Sestri Levante, è stato infatti soppresso a causa di un guasto a una delle carrozze.
Il problema, però, a quanto raccontano i pendolari, è che la cancellazione del convoglio è avvenuta senza nessun avviso vocale, ma solo tramite un foglio di carta appeso in stazione. Una cancellzione che ha provocato notevoli disagi perché si sono accumulati ritardi sugli other trains. One in particular, then, that of 7.26 from Genoa to Savona (11 363), has become a local, making all the stops, and arriving in Genoa Brignole with more than 30 minutes late. A morning
hell, then, for commuters, who are angry because they had to travel literally crammed into carriages filled to capacity. "Just a little thing to create an extreme hardship - Sonia says Zarin, spokesman for the commuter - the lack of maintenance resulting from the cuts is becoming increasingly evident. Once the checks were performed regularly and prior to departure, but are now being carried out during the trip and this allows to run for cover in case of need. "

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ap Bio Diffusion And Osmosis Lab Report

Intercity soppressi, i pendolari: “Di questo passo Liguria sempre più isolata”

Region. Two new trains will be added to the "black list" of trains canceled in Liguria. This time to fall under the "dark" Trenitalia's Intercity 514 and 517 will be in service between Genoa and Turin. A decision, shared with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation, which has startled commuters and Alderman Ligurian regional transportation, Vesco Henry, who just last February 7 he wrote to the Directorate of National Passenger Trenitalia to prevent the removal, noting in in particular as it Alessandria-Genoa there are no viable alternatives to 517.
"I'd rather underlined the need - said Vesco-links to support the development of the InterCity and Eurostar City to facilitate the mobility of citizens on the main Genoa-Ventimiglia-La Spezia and the one that connects the capital with our Milan and Turin." Today, however, came from the top of Trenitalia communication: the Intercity 514 and 517, respectively, from Genoa Brignole at 18:53 with arrival in Turin Porta Nuova at 20:55 and departing from London at 16.05 arriving at 18:08 will be in Genova cut.
'Again - Zarino says Sonia, a spokesman for commuters Liguria - witness a demonstration of insensitivity with respect to the real needs of those who use public transport. Instead of helping people, increasing the services, we adopt a policy contrary, in fact creating the conditions to spend more. " Private vehicles, especially these days, means coming to terms with my dear petrol and motorway toll rising. "Not to mention that at the end there is a real economic gain: a cut in services, increase social costs. Come to think - Zarino points - that the government wants to make use of the car because, between taxes and duties, can earn better. "
Meanwhile, the region already at high risk infrastructure isolation he suffers another small stroke. "At this step, continuing to cut the train, all of Liguria is increasingly isolated - the spokesman said commuters Liguria - certainly not a far-sighted choice. After all what we see for other issues, it seems that public transport will sail in sight, no real long-term program. Do not believe anyone, either at national or local one - concluded Zarino - when, with an appropriate investment policy on mobility, there would be a double feedback: to citizens in terms of services, and for ' economy, in terms of new job opportunities and at the very time when the industry is in crisis. "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Isabella Soprano At Bunny Ranch

Miriel OOAK fairy "Classic" My

How do I missed my classic fairy! It did in fact lately I have other fairies and I wanted to go a bit 'to the genre.
Miriel was modeled with polymer clay Sculpey Living Doll is about 24 cm high. (9 3 / 8 inch), the hair is tibetan lamb and the wreath was made with wire and beads and is removable.
Miriel remains standing thanks to a metal support for dolls.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Play Pokemon Soulsilver Online

Le ultime 2 ore e gli ultimi 15 minuti.

The last time so did not go so well. Joel slammed the door and the two exercises looked at each other and represented, bringing the index to the head, the gesture of those who question whether that person is insane or not. He did not go very well and I did a half-hour examination, shaking his head and wondering how the teachers would demand that we succeed in doing that exam in 2 hours and 15 minutes when only one year out of six I was taking away a 'hour and a half of the entire examination.
not arrived in time to even read the lyrics to all the exercises.
Not all the tests go as we want them to go. There are the facts a bit 'all the film, the day before the examination, dove leggiamo il testo degli esercizi uno dopo l'altro e ci rendiamo conto di sapere fare tutto di tutto e allora giù con la testa a fare gli esercizi col sorrisino di chi ce la sa .

Tutto ciò per dire che questo è il 99esimo post di questo blog e già mi immagino quanto sarà bello aprire la porta qui a Milano per poi chiuderla a Milazzo con il post numero 100.
Si spera che dal numero 100 in poi, per un bel po', non si parli più di esami ma di altro, tanto altro, che onestamente avete ragione: vi ho un po' rotto le palle!
Con oggi si chiude uno dei semestri più difficili da quando sono all'università ma lo dico ogni anno alla fine di ogni semester so now I do not know even who to believe.
Vado. In July brought luck post few hours before the last exam of the semester and year. Hopefully
functions today.

Banned Commercial Beavers Uncensored

No matter what...

There are times that you come home and you're happy.
There are others but when you come back and you're more happy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kerastase Keratin Treatment

Punto e a capo.

I hear the doorbell. I turn around in bed and did not want to get up. No one seems willing to get out of his fucking bed. I take off the covers and after seen on the cell 04:14 go to open the door. In less than no time I go back to bed and I get back under the covers. Fall asleep within a few seconds. After a year since I dream I find myself again at 6 to open their eyes and realize that you have done the worst dream of my whole life. Yes definitely the ugliest. I open my eyes, throw a big sigh, and thank heaven it was only a dream. A few hours after a while 'insonnacchiato with trembling legs open Histats and convince me to comprehend that this was just a bad dream. Ok, alright. The bad dream of my life in the day when I have one of the tests more difficult and ugly in my life. The thing that worries me is that this is just the beginning of the day.

The wave hit the boat but the crew, with readiness, was saved.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Make Suction Cup Hold On Tile?

Sogno di un'ombra è l'uomo.

Do asylum in me as an enemy that I fear to offend, a heart that feels all too natural that dream as if it were true that accompanies the melody with the foot of the songs that my thoughts sings sad songs , as the narrow streets when it rains.

I always thought it was kind of my duty to write a post on this topic, a moral obligation, something to clarify to myself just to see what I blend in this dall'asintotica spherical head that I find myself . I just read the existence of the hairy ball theorem which states that there are still non-zero vector fields tangent to spherical surfaces hairy, or you can not comb a hairy ball continuously, also imagine a tennis ball, as the would result in a bald hairstyle: in a nutshell says that if for example there is no wind throughout the world surely in another part of the world there will be a point where it will pull wind.
Whether these are our dreams? Away from the constant wind that touches everyone and everything, either? Whether a roof under which to escape? Incalculable trajectory of a bullet? Or that they are rather the opposite as well as a set of behaviors, events and vicissitudes that brings us to expose ourselves to this noble much wind?
There is so much about dreams as books, movies and celebrities and opinion is certainly not a "topic of this course" to treat them in depth because, clearly, we can not give a precise definition to those who are our dreams. These
change, change, day by day according to our mood, how we get out of bed in the morning, what we eat for lunch. How to give an explanation to something changing? To serve as a differential equation for this? Valley to explain the differences to children, I still I've got some doubts.
Some believe that dreaming is enough to go to bed at night.
Some also believe that dreaming is stupid, by frignoni.
Still others believe that it is the will of his own subconscious to emerge.
to use a phrase I believe that abused dreams are wishes .
hardly lie to ourselves and dream of things difficult to impossible. We dream of things within our reach, with sacrifices, but our reach and that is why that man dreams: for the possible and concrete certainty of achieving a wish, nothing more. The real problem is that being truly wishes not even depend on us. There are half a thousand other factors and people.

Dreams are hope, sometimes invisible threads which hopelessly trying to stick with every last strength remained, however, many of which wires may be trapped, entangled in an endless skein.

Dreams are like the waves are: powerful, dangerous and eternal.

Am I the only instrument che ci spinge ad agire, l'unico strumento che ci è dato per poter usufruire di uno dei pochi diritti che ci sono stati dati: la libertà di scelta. C'è gente che sceglie di mollare tutto per inseguire i propri sogni, probabilmente non li raggiunge nemmeno ma non si preclude neanche la possibilità di farlo. Prendete un cinico: vi dirà che è un folle.
Un cinico, in fondo in fondo, pensandoci, è un po' greedy .
E quale sia l'atteggiamento giusto nei confronti di tutto questo per fortuna non ci è dato saperlo: non possiamo cambiare le carte che ci sono state distribuite ma solo il modo di giocare la mano . Che cos'è esattamente un sogno se the possibility of not being able to play cards in a certain way, to be able to place a bluff mockingly in the face of life itself?

Maybe I should stop dreaming .

If we close the door of dreams, we're already dead.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sebaceous Cyst On Eyebrow


The airplane left and crashed.
I would have liked it had never left, but like all good things have their origin in my head started to dance before the dj has placed the needle on the track of the disc. And now that I realized I also feel a bit 'stupid there just in the middle of the track.
I open my eyes and I realize that this was the music playing in my head, my favorite music, notes that go beyond the 88 keys of a piano, over 6 strings of a guitar, are those notes that only I I know, the most beautiful music that no one can ever make, that no artist could ever imagine.

The feeling that everything happens too fast.
The blow, the crash.
The hustle and bustle.
If you survive: the reality.
If you have made: the reaction.

These are the stages that characterize a crash and it is amazing how everything can happen in a few seconds. If I shot the balls you can understand by looking at him.

Calati Juncu spends about china.
Lu Juncu nun about the slope roots,
lu Juncu about it and haul it but 'ncula.
Calati rush to pass the full.
The rush does not eradicate the full,
the reed that bends and never bows.
(Source )

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chipset Compatible Airpcap

"Alice Disneyana" still in the magazine "Magic Wand" N ° 24

My Alice is back in the journal "Magic Wand" N ° 24. This time there as well as the photo of the finished creation, there is also the explanation in my article and 3 pages with photos of some passages of the various phases of my work.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Engraved Leather Disney Bracelets

Perché ragioniamo secondo algoritmi golosi?

an algorithm greedy, greedy or just , adopt a strategy for which better an egg today than a hen tomorrow . Simply put you take the decision locally, at a given instant, is excellent. The problem with this is that by taking that choice, probably, later we will find ourselves having to make another choice, always good at that time, which means that all the solution created by temporarily choices is not very good in turn excellent. To put it more simply: we may find ourselves taking a shortcut along a longer route.
In order to make the right decision in practice we should know the whole network topology, or rather the entire course of nostra vita.
Non facciamo altro che scegliere in base all'appetibilità delle cose: chi messo davanti ad una bivio sceglierebbe quella cosa che nel dato momento la convince meno delle altre? Che la attira di meno? Credo nessuno ed in caso contrario non parliamo sicuramente di lungimiranza ma di pazzia.
Dovremmo dunque agire in modo previdente? Accettare qualcosa di inaccettabile adesso per poi ritrovarci nel giro di niente davanti a qualcosa di decisamente appetibile? E in tal caso chi assicura che questo qualcosa di "decisamente appetibile" lo sia più di quello che avremmo incontrato accettando la scelta più allettante al momento?

Ieri in tv, to your business, a lady at the end of the episode ended up with a parcel of 20,000 € and a € 1,000,000. The € 182,000 had been offered to close the question and go home richer than that figure. The lady has not accepted and his package contained "only" 20 thousand euro. A greedy algorithm would not wrong, he made the right choice.

How To Tie A Converse Double Upper


Any excess is wrong.
Like the obese is not wrong to eat, it is wrong to be greedy.
E 'wrong to exaggerate, to live according to its excesses.
Everything is right in his own way, in appropriate proportions.
We expect so much more More and more, but it reaches the point where the limit is reached. The Po is pushed further and further each year but still reaches a limit, historical or not, but it reaches him.
does not break the levees. It does not create disasters.
intrude, transcend it can cause so much harm to many others to themselves. We must take it slow, with feet of lead, one step at a time. You may not see it, the puddles, the manhole covers self-propelled. The obstacles to wink essential goals: overestimated in cold fountains in the desert. There is nothing worse than being able to have the world at its feet, not realizing it.
Then life, as always, however, in its way, will its course.

This is the only thing I know for certain: to each his own.

wake up.

Difficulty Moving Bowels While Menstrating

Chi non ha talento insegna...

The talent exists. Existing talent is logical that there are many people in the world do not have and certainly are many more than those who have it. Often people do not have the talent and assume a position of subservience to the world, an attitude of "I was not given the talent, what can I do." Some people in the world instead of the long-elusive no talent, works hard, in silence, in the shadow of the talented people who have it from birth and then get out, shadow at the appropriate time when nobody expects it. The point is: if someone is better than you that just means you have to work harder . Some
instead goes to waste his talents around the world, but this is already another story.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Counseling Statement Examples

Sveglia, sono le 6!

Like the old days.
This morning I pointed the alarm for 6:00 because I had to study. In the evening I just can not do it, the more I try, the more the concepts enter from one side of the brain to overflowing then the other. It was a one day a few years ago that I thought "why not first go to bed and wake up early in the morning?". I always liked wake up early to see the day that is born, the world wakes up, takes shape and presses his frenetic pace. I picked up this habit in middle school when the morning Question I did wake up from my father who went to work at 6 am in order to revise the arguments of the question and to be able to study those things the night before by force of circumstances had failed to into my head early in the morning to fresh mind could not understand everything the day before seemed to me obscure. Between 6 and 7:30 in the morning I learned the most unusual concepts in philosophy, the more absurd demonstrations of mathematical formulas and more weird physics.
I've always felt comfortable in the morning.
I, my books and a nice coffee.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Change The Windows Of My Snugtop

Il Poli è una questione di culo...

slide from one of my prof:
The nice thing is that the Poles do not understand and does not accept that those who attended a human being. Claims to support aggressive pace of study and provides examinations, one after the other as if they were training sessions for a team of first class. It pretends to give you the last exam in the same day that you should submit the application for graduation. You have to follow in a few words of the teacher leaving the classroom such examination, the risk of being taken to court for stalking, following him into his office, forcing him to take in all the reams of paper that item at the top of your name, even using a knife to the throat and force him to correct it and consequently published its online voting. The Poles will not allow you to make excuses, the Poles did not even allow missteps. Or rather you can do it but after it is as if you had just stopped for a moment to drink along the marathon with great difficulty that we recover those split seconds from the head. The Poles want the exam is not a way to tell if you're a loser or not, the Poles want to be a day like any other, already, maybe it does not take into account all the day before.
Poly wants you to study at Christmas and Easter. The Poles want to study in the summer. The Poles want the books of Leonardo Project and McGraw-Hill are i tuoi migliori amici e con loro anche i loro relativi professori. Il Poli vuole che tu vada a studiare in biblioteca di Architettura anche la Domenica fino a mezzanotte rigorosamente aperta. Il Poli non ti dice ancora come dovrai laurearti: ti arriverà un messaggio sul cellulare un'ora prima il giorno stesso per avvisarti. Il Poli è una questione di culo o ce l'hai o te lo fanno.

Benvenuti nuovamente al Politecnico di Milano.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Shower Curtain Dimensions

Il mio cervello.

Il mio cervello gestisce i pensieri con una logica FIFO (first in first out) o, per chi vede l'ingegneria come un mostro famelico a tre teste, i primi pensieri che entrano sono i primi ad uscire.
As the days pass also pass the exams and they go away from the tail of my brain thoughts relating to them. I just hope will not come back.

Lately I've also little time to think. I find myself to publish posts that are like lightning in the sky, four rows or so.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Vw Bus Fort Smith Arkansas

Un pomeriggio al parco

Today the park has picked up yet another child, a baby. The
said he had a bike bigger than that of his brother.
Brother if this is a bit 'grasp.
But she smiled and blushed slightly.
seemed really happy.
These kids have their own unique way courtship.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Diagram Circuit Sensor Pir

Non è vero che abbiamo poco tempo...

In De brevity vitae Seneca wrote:
is not true that time is short: the truth is that we lose a lot.

The other day I "lost" time to sign the exam paper. When asked by the professor "who has yet to deliver?" I said, raising his hand. These, seeing that I was the last one left, I said that I still had only 30 seconds to deliver then it would go. All teachers do it, mind you, but amazed by him began to count. I could hear him from afar: 29 ... 28 ... 27 ... I was still putting his signature on the second of three sheets. Handed while his mouth ticked 16 ... 15 ... I looked for a moment and did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can I Give A Dog Penicillin

One shot!

You can be infallible?
If yes: how?
I often wonder if you can do something, anything, without making mistakes, without making a faux pas! Very often it is already perceived as difficult to do that something and most importantly we are required to do so without errors.
Now, it is a bit 'too much?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wishing Tree Anniversary

Quando attraverso la strada mi sento un figo!

There is an intersection before my house, crossing four roads.
There is only one traffic light that interesting to me to return.
Many times it is red, so often is green.
Or rather is just as red is green. About
should be.
Well when it is green for me all the cars stop, kneel at my feet.
drivers look helpless in front of my deeds to cross the pedestrian, a look slain, ice. I challenge you with his eyes. Can do nothing for them when it is red.
could put myself under, it's true, but in that case I always win because it would take a lot of money.

I feel invincible green light.
If there are pedestrian crossings and traffic light is green e c'è un essere cazzuto in mezzo alla strada con lo sguardo di ghiaccio quello sono io, l'invincibile, state alla larga!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cancer Bracelets Canada

Perché scrivo?

Gioele dice che sono un bastardo e tra le altre cose dice anche che scrivo o per rabbia o per amore. La prima cosa è una minchiata, la seconda è corretta.
Perché dovrebbe essere diversamente?
Scrivo quando ne ho voglia, quando quello che mi passa per la testa si agita talmente tanto che tenerlo fermo lì dentro sarebbe più faticoso che lasciarlo fluire all'esterno. Scrivo perché così il concetto lo esprimo meglio. Scrivo perché certe volte mi vengono pensieri talmente contorti che non possono non essere trasmessi, li penso so only once, if I try to reformulate it would be a disaster, it must be written immediately. I write because someone might find in my words. I write because writing makes me well and immediately after putting the post title to check a smile on my face the evil of any kind is the post. I write because I remember what I thought for the month of February last year I just click on the archive and regain my thoughts, good and ready, fresh as they were then when I had written. Writing is like being able to hibernate a person, the freeze at a certain time in a given situation, a certain attitude. When the thaw is there as before, nothing has changed. I write because I've got admiration that I visit almost every day from Sicily, and of which I'd love to know the identity. I write because my mother every day goes by here and then, as I speak little, from one of my posts, for those who know me, if they can come up with a very nice conversation.
write because a couple of years re-read these words will be great fun.
Tomorrow I have another question but this morning I opened the notebook to write one of two things mentioned above:

I rub my eyes, there is nothing to be done.
I see them everywhere.
Me in front of them meeting in the morning upon waking, the evening before going to sleep.
I am a beautiful nightmare.

Strep Throat Swollen Gums

Riunione in Regione su lavori del nodo ferroviario genovese e tempi di percorrenza

node Genoa: A good start ...
Since September 2010, as we know, came alive in the works for the upgrading of the railway junction of Genoa, really epoch-making work that should solve (at least that 's hope) many of the problems affecting the movement of capital and of the same train Liguria.
If 2010 was largely devoted to the opening of several shipyards in 2011 will continue the activities at the Aquarium, to Fegino and Principe, where the first steps are already visible on the infrastructure.
It 'clear that a transaction of this magnitude can not be impact on service, we realize the inconvenience and even be put into the account of a work that potentially could really improve circulation, separating the long haul and medium-short thanks to the greater number of lines available.
However, we have failed to ask Trenitalia and RFI make every effort to minimize such inconvenience, hoping for an involvement of all institutions of public transport (by the Municipality, the Province, the Region) to find forms of integration between different means to make up for any interruptions in train service.
Among the deadlines to keep an eye, in particular, is closing, scheduled for September between the tunnel and Recco Santa Margherita well for 85 days.
A little further in time (late 2012 - early 2013) there will be another closure "important", the station Sampierdarena, leading to the interruption of some north-south relations and will be partly offset by the restored line of Campasso.
About the timing, recently called into question for some alleged delays with respect to the roadmap, have been admitted some problems early on but we are assured will be reversed in subsequent work.

Travel times
The issue of travel times, more repeatedly raised in recent months and years of committees and associations of commuters throughout Italy, has now landed at the national level. Recently it has been filed by Mr interpellation. Realacci where the Hermes asks, exactly as we requested months ago, to bring the issue of the mechanism identified by the "Catalogue" to review the State-Regions Conference to better understand the process of determining the fees payable by the Regions with Trenitalia for regional transport services.

On this occasion, Vesco said the merits of these claims, promising to bring to the table of the regions concerned. "It 's nationally occorre agire per rinegoziare le clausole del contratto di servizio” afferma Vesco, che sottolinea come già all’epoca l’impostazione del “Catalogo” non fosse stata da lui condivisa, al pari dei Pendolari che sin da subito ne avevano sottolineato le criticità anche gravi e previsto le conseguenze che poi si sono puntualmente verificate.

Un contributo molto importante alla discussione è giunto da un esperto, Gabriele Bariletti, che ha osservato come il costo orario viene computato tenendo conto di una velocità commerciale “media” nazionale di 60 km/ora, mentre in Liguria tale velocità commerciale effettiva è di 42 km/ora.

Non sarebbe lecito richiedere, almeno fino a quando i treni vanno a questa media, uno “sconto” sul corrispettivo pagato dalla Regione?

Certo, se si fosse inserita la clausola che legava almeno una quota del pagamento del corrispettivo alle prestazioni, così come avevamo proposto nel famoso (e sempre attuale) documento dei 20 punti, questo non sarebbe successo.

I Pendolari del Ponente hanno presentato, analogamente a noi, uno studio sui tempi di percorrenza effettuato da un ricercatore universitario che ha mostrato un notevole decadimento delle prestazioni sui treni della linea Genova-Ventimiglia.

Noi abbiamo presentato i primi risultati di una serie di confronti che stiamo conducting using the historical time, and that showed as much as at Levante some trains take longer than ten or more years ago.
It 'important to note that us were made "with the same stops." We have seen that the time taken by the regional trains to carry the same number of stops on the same line, and the results speak for themselves. If we look abroad, the differences (negative for us) are even more striking.

There are more passengers? Maybe. But it is also true that the time spent in stations, even minor ones, have been increased and it is not uncommon to stay in Nervi Brignole or 7-10 minutes.
E 'to give priority to IC? Well, then why are you removed earlier in the tracks of many stations (Pieve, Bogliasco, Blackboard, etc..) Cast on the line even more?

trains are older, times are still high in many incarrozzamento (platforms and low flatbed train high) but do not say anything since yesterday, things are widely known for years and years.

The causes are many, but the result is this: many regional trains go slower than 10 and more years ago.

for the new regional director of Trenitalia, Enrico Melloni, since 2006 (base year of the "Catalogue") today the average commercial speed in Liguria has grown by about 2% (42% remains, however, as we have seen). In early 2011 there has been, to date, a further slight increase. Since 2000 then there was an increase of circulation and stops, especially on the node.

From our point of view, however, we could see that a lot of money has been spent on upgrading the lines, and even then we were told that the new systems would improve the circulation.

What actually happened is there for everyone, and the cuts made by the Government to the resources of local public transport certainly does not improve things. The result is that now we are starting to cut the trains.

In conclusion, we welcome the willingness expressed by Vesco to bring the matter to the attention of the State-Regions Conference, and we hope that this action, together with those undertaken by Mr Honourable. Ermete Realacci can reopen the games on Contract service, and also on the resources that were previously though a few are even more so now after the cuts.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Does John Cena Wear Boxers Or Briefs?

Tempi di percorrenza ferroviari: ritorno al passato?

may seem a joke, yet it is so. The technology runs fast and multiplies enormously the speed of our computers, smartphones and IPad, so that 10 years and already account for nearly a geological era can be glimpsed the next electronic wonders even more powerful. But when it comes to trains, and especially in a regional trains, you return as if by magic in the distant past. We will not speak today to the age of carriages and locomotives (up to 30 to 40 years) although this factor may not be unconnected with the fact that today the average regional trains traveling slower than 10 years ago.

The journey of a train is the sum of the times, including intermediate stops, to travel from one station to another. It 'clear that the passenger, the shorter the travel time, ie the faster the train, the better. Since 2009, however, there è anche un altro motivo per augurarsi che i tempi di percorrenza siano il più breve possibile, dato che il nuovo Contratto di Servizio per il trasporto regionale prevede, a livello italiano, che le regioni paghino tale servizio non più a chilometro, ma a tempo. In sostanza, più un treno “occupa” la traccia oraria, più costa.

I treni regionali sono lenti perché fanno molte fermate, è la risposta che viene data di solito. E’ vero che con treni nuovi e opportunamente progettati per fare tante soste ravvicinate (tipo le metropolitane) molti minuti si potrebbero tagliare. Si, però perchè i tempi di sosta nelle stazioni minori sono state raddoppiati, portandoli da 30 secondi a 1 minuto round? Yet today the doors close automatically, then the dwell time should not increase or not ...?

A simple comparison
Because we want to see clearly, we decided to conduct a simple investigation, by comparing the travel times of regional trains for several years. Thanks to my fellow commuters who provided them to us, we came in possession of valuable historical time which proved an endless source of information.
Analyses were made on several lines of Liguria, taking into consideration the regional trains to a hypothetical business day.

important qualification: comparisons are made with the same stops , ossia si sono comparati tempi di percorrenza tra treni che effettuano lo stesso numero di fermate, proprio per rispondere all’obiezione di cui sopra.

Non pretendiamo di aver effettuato una analisi esaustiva di tutte le linee e di tutti i treni. Abbiamo fatto piuttosto dei confronti a campione (e altri sono in preparazione), che mostrano comunque delle evidenze interessanti e mostrano come, nel tempo, i treni regionali abbiano subito un progressivo incremento dei tempi di percorrenza, a parità di fermate.

Tratta Sestri Levante – Genova Principe

Nelle tabelle sono indicati il tempo minimo and maximum at which a train carries the same stops
In 1986 a regional train that carried out 9 stops employed an average of 1.2 minutes. Today it employs as many as 25 more! One minute per year, so to speak.
Come back is better, at least we're back to 1986 levels. (In the face of technological progress though!).
The upward trend is found even on the trains that carry the first leg 10, 13, 14, 15 and 16 stops, and the return on those making 5, 10 24:18 stops, while others are at 1999 levels .
those making 10 stops on the outward record with 12 and 15 minutes more than in 1986, those who carry out 13 saw increases between 2 and 7 minutes, those who made 14 increase between 5 and 7 minutes, the 15 stops increasing between 5 and 11 minutes between 1999 and 2011. Those with 16 stops, finally, increase from 8 to 20 minutes more between 1999 and 2011!
leave readers with the exercise for the return.

Another issue that is brought to explain the lengthening of journey times is the most crowded that the lines have undergone over the years. That argument does not seem supported, at least with regard to passenger trains, as if from 1986 to 1999, there were numerical increases, while between 1999 and 2011 decreased, although the content, the number of trains passing on the line.

Trafficking Genova - Voltri - Arenzano - Cogoleto (comparison by the WWF Liguria)

click to enlarge Here is the comparison between the years 1999/2000 and 2009, and also with respect to a line like complied, but in Switzerland.
were considered two regional Savona, is limited to the Brignole - Voltri. As you can see, between 1999/2000 and 2009 there are 6 more minutes. Analyzing the best partial, one sees that the increase is produced by an increase in parking in Genoa Principe (passed from one minute to 3) plus an increase in journey times between Brignole and Principe, Principe and Sampierdarena and Sampierdarena and Corniglia.

Finally, a look beyond the Alps: this is similar to a cover are used "well" 24 minutes, compared with 36 in 2009 and 30 in 1999/2000. And we're not talking about an isolated case: if we look at a similar line on the outskirts of Vienna, we have the same performance: with the same stops and mileage, is 25 minutes journey time.

Conclusion From these early to say that we, in our opinion, there is much work to do to try to bring greater levels within acceptable travel times, the moment is very abundant.

This will not only increase the ability to automatically della rete, liberando tracce, ma farebbe anche diminuire il costo del servizio per singolo treno, liberando risorse per migliorare il servizio stesso (o almeno, per non tagliarlo ulteriormente).

Ci auguriamo che qualche riflessione venga fatta alla luce di questi e dei successivi confronti che le diverse associazioni stanno compiendo, è un contributo fattivo che offriamo alla Regione, in modo del tutto gratuito e assolutamente costruttivo. Vorremmo poterci confrontare su questi argomenti anche con i tecnici e gli uffici regionali e di RFI per avere un proficuo scambio di idee e di informazioni, con l’unico scopo di migliorare un servizio che riveste una importanza cruciale per l’intera popolazione della Liguria.

Should I Wear A Dress To School

Pronti a tutto!

hour exam.
After this we are ready for anything.
See you ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jesse Jane Account Access

Il giorno prima di un esame. O meglio i giorni...

The day before an exam are many thoughts that go through your head.
Today is one of those, one day before an exam.
By now I've got used to it. The other day I said to my mother that I can no longer distinguish the days of the week in preparation for an exam. On a Saturday can be a Monday as well as a Sunday. All is always flat in the same way. Always wakes up at the usual time, always directed toward the student's home. For a month, everything becomes muffled around me, I also see the same faces when I pass from Piola to reach the student's home.
In one week I saw 4 times the same Father who takes his son to school by bike, the same father who pushes the wheelchair of her son who somehow knows when one broke his leg, one mother who runs it has to go work and leaves the child back to hurry up tired for who knows what, not studying at the Polytechnic him?! Meeting the same port for three weeks now after coming to the house. He seems quite comfortable in its habitat heated apart from all the surrounding environment. I'm still tired I draw the eye and hand over the ID card by pronouncing an eloquent due -4:00 to 4:00: and here is the beginning of the end. The beginning of a stressful day made only zeros and ones , tables, algorithms and sheets flying.
The day before an exam involves three basic steps:
The first is to convince yourself that it will be easy, we do all the exercises and split.
The second is one of solace and not thinking about what awaits us tomorrow, as seems almost a day of the week post-examination, the one with Pure faffing around.
The third is that of the tips, usually occurs at the end of the day when all I could do was done, when most burps burps rumpemula all.
The day before an exam is marked as the day during which I realized that the pants in the closet are scarce and therefore the time has arrived to do a washing machine. It 's the day when I realize that the chair beside the bed is getting too populated to be able to bear the burden of clothes that surround it and then it is also the time to lose at least half an hour to fold shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts and jeans .
days are fruitful from some points of view day before an exam.
Less fruitful so many other points of view: Joel says that every year of Quine McCluskey fact of life that are an hour goes away. I give him reason.
The days before an exam are not intellectually stimulating for the study that they bring with them but rather intrinsic to the discussions that accompany the drafts of examination papers. We can speak of the existence of a god, how bad can do to see something or someone, to what we will be split when large, of how a sensor to detect light and movement. You can sing songs, tear sheets, fill desks cleared of remnants of rubber and designs that may appear to have been made by anyone except by a future engineer. You can hear the full version of The Four Seasons by Vivaldi and we caught a headache listening to and try to correct the remix of David Guetta. You can also listen to Iris Biagio Antonacci in all its sauces and wondering "what the hell kind of name is Iris?" and be told "nice but I do not think I would give to my daughter." You can watch documentaries on the existence of Atlantis, movies, TV series and TV morning. All this in the days before an exam. In the end the 'is not important what you find at the end of a race ... The important thing is what you feel when you're running .

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meningitis Rash Scratching

Riviere liguri: isolate e sempre più lontane dal capoluogo

Un'altra problematica molto grave è il sempre più marcato isolamento che tante località della Riviera di Levante e di Ponente dovranno subire a causa dei tagli sempre più consistenti e che oggi segnano una nuova, preoccupante escalation. Tutto questo avviene mentre si discute della futura area metropolitana genovese e mentre si fanno i lavori del nodo che aumenteranno i binari e i possibili treni (che però nessuno sa come e quando saranno acquistati)... di questo passo, il rischio è che si facciano solo delle belle parole, mentre la realtà è questa: Genova resterà sempre più isolata e poco accogliente verso i suoi territori di riferimento, che torneranno ad essere solo delle periferie dove return in the evening, tired, to rest from the daily labors. But beware: never be late, unless you want to stay at the station!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Earlypregnancy Pink Mucus

Ritardi e comunicazioni

Anyone traveling by train will have noticed something strange and amazing. When the trains delay (an extremely rare occurrence, right?) It never coincides with that reported by ads or sound recorded on the monitor.

happens frequently read five minutes late, after which no train is coming, and expects ...
But the hilarity, however, very bitter, it triggers when on board a stationary train, we learn from the popular voice in the train station will start with ten minutes late. Ok, thanks for the ad, but looking at your watch more than one realizes that the minutes are already at least twenty! What
unit time using the railways?

ps I would like to point out that some joker (vandal) at 6 this morning rescued me a smile. Altered the written TRENITALIA on the locomotive, pulling the T and R with the results of the tilted gambetta censorship!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Attach Luggage To Roof

Treni vecchi e fatiscenti: fiamme e fumo, per fortuna senza gravi conseguenze

Fear of a disturbing new episode on a regional train. Here is the record made by those who were there.
"Report what 's happened this morning on the train 11 247 February 2 (our Savona - Genoa in the morning) that I witnessed. The train was thirty bipiano. From Savona and once you reach the station Arenzano, second in the second carriage of a sudden, a flame and acrid smoke for the next few tens of seconds have advised commuters to move to another carriage. There 'was so afraid of a fire but in the present. The area where there 'was a small explosion and' the panel just above the double-seat car in early. Luckily there 'there was no one sitting, or the violent opening of the panel would surely have done damage. The controller for the truth 'and' come in brevissimo tempo, ha invitato i presenti a spostarsi in altra carrozza e ha verificato che qualcosa si era rotto nel riscaldamento.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Women Calves Headscissor

cuts in sight, the first reports, on the east and west

Dal 1° febbraio partono gli aumenti (+ 15% gli abbonamenti, +25% i biglietti singoli) e i tagli ai treni regionali che, si disse, non sarebbero stati effettuati in fascia pendolare. Ed invece, stando alle prime segnalazioni, anche questa fascia sarebbe interessata.

Treno 2044 La Spezia - Genova
C.G., una pendolare che abita a Framura e lavora a Camogli, utilizza il treno 2044 che attualmente parte alle 6.03 da La Spezia ma che dal 1° febbraio partirà da Sestri Levante. Insieme a lei salgono a Framura anche altre persone: tra esse una docente universitaria di Genova, una studentessa del liceo Marconi, e altri.
Con comprensibile angoscia si chiedono come fare per poter continuare a utilizzare il treno per i loro spostamenti senza dover sconvolgere le loro vite.
Se davvero l'orario verrà cambiato nel modo da noi descritto, è chiaro che si pone il problema di come garantire una alternativa valida per salvaguardare il diritto alla mobilità di queste persone, così come tutte quelle che, da La Spezia a Riva Trigoso, si vedono togliere un collegamento in un orario così importante per i pendolari.

Treni 6223/6224 (Ventimiglia-Imperia Oneglia e ritorno)
E.M. ci segnala quest'altra problematica sulla Riviera di west: the suppression of the pair of trains 6223/6224 summer (Ventimiglia, Imperia Oneglia and vice versa.) seeks a full time traveling by train commuters and that is particularly attractive not only for high school students, but also for all those workers commuters who have to travel daily between the Riviera di Ponente. The train 6223, it allows you to reach Oneglia by 8.00, to the benefit of those who must be present at work before 8.30 (11,263 following the train, in fact, comes to Oneglia, on time, to 8.26, leaving virtually no room for those who must stamp incoming work within 8.30). Several workers who have this need, in First, for example, bank employees. The 6224 (made with the same material) allows instead to Imperia working in the area to the west to come to work within the 9.00.La situation of the railway service on the west coast already with the current time is paradoxical: it was created through huge public investments, a new one, and fast double track between Bordighera and San Lorenzo, which is achieved without a significant increase in frequency and only in peak times (or even all of the reports) the service provides a quasi-rhythmic every 30 minutes between Ventimiglia and Imperia, while in times of soft and you can see "holes" of over an hour. È evidente quindi come le potenzialità della linea nuova in termini di capacità non vengano affatto sfruttate. In considerazione di ciò, la soppressione della coppia di treni 6223/6224, per giunta in pieno orario pendolare, suona quasi come una beffa, penalizzando ulteriormente gli utenti di un servizio già scarso di per sé.Dalla soppressione di questo treno consegue un buco di oltre un’ora tra Imperia e Ventimiglia (nessun treno tra le 7.31 e le 8.41) e il buco di un’ora tra Ventimiglia e Imperia (nessun treno tra le 6.46 e le 7.48). Le conseguenze sull’utenza di questa rarefazione delle frequenze saranno importanti: chi non ha a disposizione un mezzo privato e non può adattare gli orari del proprio lavoro all’offerta di treni, si troverebbe a dover prendere il treno precedente, con conseguenti grandi perdite di tempo nella stazione di arrivo. L’eventuale utilizzo dell’autobus comporta tempi di percorrenza più che raddoppiati rispetto al treno, nonché, ovviamente, il rischio di trovarsi congestionati nel traffico, che d’estate nell’imperiese è molto intenso, specialmente nell’orario di punta serale. Chi invece ha a disposizione un mezzo privato, verrebbe invogliato a servirsi di quello, nella migliore delle ipotesi attraverso il car pooling, o nella peggiore utilizzandolo singolarmente. Da notare poi che la soppressione di un treno ha effetti negativi anche sugli altri treni della stessa tratta, nella misura in cui un viaggiatore perso su una determinata tratta ferroviaria, in seguito ad un mancato collegamento (per esempio quello del mattino), implica anche un mancato guadagno sul collegamento in senso opposto, a detrimento della redditività di quest’ultimo.Si chiede pertanto alla Regione di mantenere tutti quei collegamenti che vengono utilizzati da pendolari, quantomeno nei giorni dal lunedì al venerdì, di cui la coppia di treni 6223/6224 fa parte. Se anche questa misura non fosse sufficiente per raggiungere una situazione di equilibrio con i finanziamenti disponibili, si chiede che i tagli riguardino il solo mese di agosto, durante il quale l’attività economica è notevolmente ridotta, numerosi pendolari sono in ferie e, per quelli che rimangono, may be easier to ask for adjustments to their working hours.

Think of those who, for example, has already made an annual subscription and you see the twist in time so as not potersene serve more effectively. There is loss of money, of course, and for this you can perhaps ask for a refund. But it's much more serious loss of access to an essential public service to go to work or school, at a minimum. We think that should take care of these people, offering at least of substitute services, such as bus, less expensive than a train but, as we have seen, have the handicap of having to move on already congested roads. But certainly there seems to be insufficient to date the response to these problems, we have repeatedly raised and advanced.
On February is almost upon us, we fear that after the reports will multiply and maybe then you will realize too late the consequences of the cuts will have on regional mobility.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Leg Pain After Chlamydia

Fs, the delay time is money

A journalistic investigation that proposes a theme dear to us and has often been raised: the lengthening of journey times on regional trains. A minute now, a minute tomorrow, and here the times soaring ... but not only rise beyond the prices. Paid from the pockets of citizens.

by The daily act of January 26, 2011

The payment mechanism of the regions an incentive for local trains to slow down again, every minute in most cases can cost the regional increases cost of almost € 80 thousand

Poor commuters. It was not enough dirt, lack of punctuality, overcrowding. Now it turns out that the trains are increasingly regional plan through no fault of the media too old, inadequate guidelines or fate cynical and cheat. According to many experts, particularly those Assoutenti, the case is different and is called "service contract" or, as the railways, "the contract in the catalog."

Under this kind of understanding between the parameters used to calculate the price that the regions should correspond to Trenitalia (FS) for local trains, the time factor has become critical. The longer it takes to walk a line, the more the price goes up. Since the duration of a given path is not established by a third, neutral between regions and railways, but by the Railways themselves through the company RFI (Italian Railway Network) is a strong suspicion that this may be tempted to stretch the time to enable the sister company Trenitalia to collect more money. Before

not working so until 2009 to determine the price of each train were referred soprattutto alla lunghezza della tratta. Ci sono anche altri elementi che assieme al tempo concorrono a stabilire il prezzo base dei treni, dai posti a sedere al coefficiente di riempimento dei vagoni.

Con un’offerta inferiore a 150 posti a treno, per esempio, il prezzo orario è di circa 518 euro l’ora e sale fino a 811 euro quando i posti disponibili sono oltre 600. Poi ci sono le maggiorazioni: più 18 per cento per i festivi (sabato compreso), i notturni (più 16 per cento), l’età dei vagoni (più 10 per cento se hanno meno di 12 anni o se restaurati di recente), il load factor (l’indice di riempimento) che comporta una maggiorazione del 10 per cento, se i posti occupati sono meno del 20 percent of those offerti.Sarà a coincidence, but in fact, for some 'time, especially since the contract system is changed, the regional trains are always slower.

The examples are plenty. In the summer of 16 years ago, the average time of a regional official travel between Bolzano and Verona was 108 minutes, in the winter of 2010 rose to 121 minutes (+12 percent), between Florence and Rome, the increase was of 37 minutes (+ 18.5 percent), between Rome and Ancona 22 minutes (+ 9.5 percent), between Rome and Sulmona 12 minutes (+7.5 percent), and between Avezzano Roccasecca 13 minutes (+ 12). The increase was particularly sharp in recent months: Average 10 percent from 2008 to 2010 between Rome and Florence, 2 per cent between Bolzano and Verona, between Rome and Ancona 2.5, plus 5 Roma-Sulmona, Avezzano-plus 2.5 Roccasecca.In dance there are a lot of money. Engineers have calculated that on a line where they run 15 pairs of trains (30 trains per day) with fewer than 150 people every minute journey involves a more in additional cost to the region of about 78 000 euro per year. Since the trains are thousands and journey times have increased on many lines, it is easy to suppose that the cash Trenitalia have grown a lot. As it is impossible to say exactly, because Fs are not intended to provide these data considered confidential, and in particular they do not want to give it Done, judged a newspaper is not objective. " Obviously

Railways vehemently denies the suspicion to the ridge on local trains. They argue that the time factor behind the price agreed with the regions because the cost of rail transport is determined primarily by the cost of personnel, and capitreno drivers. The longer it takes to connect one location to another, more work is needed and it is obvious that the price rise of the service. Technicians dell'Assoutenti argue, however, that the cost of labor is 60, more than 70 percent of the total, the rest is machine wear, cleaning, depreciation, energy, maintenance. And if it is true that labor costs increases as a function of time, other costs, however, should be determined solely by the length of routes. Grow and so these in relation to time according to these experts is an operation that would cause "undue advantage" to Trenitalia.

Returning to the example of the first (15 pairs of trains with less than 150 seats), € 78 000 per year received from Trenitalia for each minute of walking more, 23 000 would be "unfair." The FS also maintain that the journey times often grow because the regions want more stops, perhaps to meet the needs of commuters, and links takes time. Also because proprio nel 2008 le stesse Fs hanno introdotto una nuova disciplina per le soste obbligatorie in stazione sulle linee minori, portandole da 30 secondi a un minuto tondo. Di fatto, allungando i tempi di percorrenza, le Fs ottengono anche un altro vantaggio: evitano le sanzioni per gli eventuali ritardi.

Con tempi di percorrenza più lunghi, infatti, è molto più difficile che un treno accumuli ritardi ed è molto più facile schivare le multe.Di fronte a queste realtà, alcune Regioni, dopo esser state indotte dal governo Berlusconi ad affidare i servizi ferroviari a Trenitalia senza gara per 6 anni rinnovabili per altri 6, cominciano a rendersi conto che non è stata affatto una buona idea e vorrebbero fare marcia indietro. Finché the state has continued to transfer without batting an eye, funds to pay for the trains, they have not made too many scruples, but now that the economy minister, Giulio Tremonti, the law of stability has cut funds by preventing the regions could participate in the proceeds of the excise duty on diesel fuel (nearly 1 billion and 200 million euro), the picture has changed completely for them and worse.

To honor the contracts with Trenitalia, the regions were put in front of two roads not very pleasing and popular, raise fares by an average of 30 percent compared to 2010 and reduce services, 15. To this are thinking to reconsider the contracts with the Fs. The Conference of the Regions, ie the political body that represents them, has already written plainly in a document: "The budget is a novelty that causes consequential effects in terms of validity and effectiveness or at least rinegoziabilità contracts."

Made From Newspaper of January 26, 2010