Riunione in Regione su lavori del nodo ferroviario genovese e tempi di percorrenza node Genoa: A good start ...
Since September 2010, as we know, came alive in the works for the upgrading of the railway junction of Genoa, really epoch-making work that should solve (at least that 's hope) many of the problems affecting the movement of capital and of the same train Liguria.
If 2010 was largely devoted to the opening of several shipyards in 2011 will continue the activities at the Aquarium, to Fegino and Principe, where the first steps are already visible on the infrastructure.
It 'clear that a transaction of this magnitude can not be impact on service, we realize the inconvenience and even be put into the account of a work that potentially could really improve circulation, separating the long haul and medium-short thanks to the greater number of lines available.
However, we have failed to ask Trenitalia and RFI make every effort to minimize such inconvenience, hoping for an involvement of all institutions of public transport (by the Municipality, the Province, the Region) to find forms of integration between different means to make up for any interruptions in train service.
Among the deadlines to keep an eye, in particular, is closing, scheduled for September between the tunnel and Recco Santa Margherita well for 85 days.
A little further in time (late 2012 - early 2013) there will be another closure "important", the station Sampierdarena, leading to the interruption of some north-south relations and will be partly offset by the restored line of Campasso.
About the timing, recently called into question for some alleged delays with respect to the roadmap, have been admitted some problems early on but we are assured will be reversed in subsequent work.
Travel times
The issue of travel times, more repeatedly raised in recent months and years of committees and associations of commuters throughout Italy, has now landed at the national level. Recently it has been filed by Mr interpellation. Realacci where the Hermes asks, exactly as we requested months ago, to bring the issue of the mechanism identified by the "Catalogue" to review the State-Regions Conference to better understand the process of determining the fees payable by the Regions with Trenitalia for regional transport services.
On this occasion, Vesco said the merits of these claims, promising to bring to the table of the regions concerned. "It 's nationally occorre agire per rinegoziare le clausole del contratto di servizio” afferma Vesco, che sottolinea come già all’epoca l’impostazione del “Catalogo” non fosse stata da lui condivisa, al pari dei Pendolari che sin da subito ne avevano sottolineato le criticità anche gravi e previsto le conseguenze che poi si sono puntualmente verificate.
Un contributo molto importante alla discussione è giunto da un esperto, Gabriele Bariletti, che ha osservato come il costo orario viene computato tenendo conto di una velocità commerciale “media” nazionale di 60 km/ora, mentre in Liguria tale velocità commerciale effettiva è di 42 km/ora.
Non sarebbe lecito richiedere, almeno fino a quando i treni vanno a questa media, uno “sconto” sul corrispettivo pagato dalla Regione?
Certo, se si fosse inserita la clausola che legava almeno una quota del pagamento del corrispettivo alle prestazioni, così come avevamo proposto nel famoso (e sempre attuale) documento dei 20 punti, questo non sarebbe successo.
I Pendolari del Ponente hanno presentato, analogamente a noi, uno studio sui tempi di percorrenza effettuato da un ricercatore universitario che ha mostrato un notevole decadimento delle prestazioni sui treni della linea Genova-Ventimiglia.
Noi abbiamo presentato i
primi risultati di una serie di confronti che stiamo conducting using the historical time, and that showed as much as at Levante some trains take longer than ten or more years ago.
It 'important to note that
us were made "with the same stops." We have seen that the time taken by the regional trains to carry the same number of stops on the same line, and the results speak for themselves. If we look abroad, the differences (negative for us) are even more striking.
There are more passengers? Maybe. But it is also true that the time spent in stations, even minor ones, have been increased and it is not uncommon to stay in Nervi Brignole or 7-10 minutes.
E 'to give priority to IC? Well, then why are you removed earlier in the tracks of many stations (Pieve, Bogliasco, Blackboard, etc..) Cast on the line even more?
trains are older, times are still high in many incarrozzamento (platforms and low flatbed train high) but do not say anything since yesterday, things are widely known for years and years.
The causes are many, but the result is this: many regional trains go slower than 10 and more years ago.
for the new regional director of Trenitalia, Enrico Melloni, since 2006 (base year of the "Catalogue") today the average commercial speed in Liguria has grown by about 2% (42% remains, however, as we have seen). In early 2011 there has been, to date, a further slight increase. Since 2000 then there was an increase of circulation and stops, especially on the node.
From our point of view, however, we could see that a lot of money has been spent on upgrading the lines, and even then we were told that the new systems would improve the circulation.
What actually happened is there for everyone, and the cuts made by the Government to the resources of local public transport certainly does not improve things. The result is that now we are starting to cut the trains.
In conclusion, we welcome the willingness expressed by Vesco to bring the matter to the attention of the State-Regions Conference, and we hope that this action, together with those undertaken by Mr Honourable. Ermete Realacci can reopen the games on Contract service, and also on the resources that were previously though a few are even more so now after the cuts.