Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cancer Bracelets Canada

Perché scrivo?

Gioele dice che sono un bastardo e tra le altre cose dice anche che scrivo o per rabbia o per amore. La prima cosa è una minchiata, la seconda è corretta.
Perché dovrebbe essere diversamente?
Scrivo quando ne ho voglia, quando quello che mi passa per la testa si agita talmente tanto che tenerlo fermo lì dentro sarebbe più faticoso che lasciarlo fluire all'esterno. Scrivo perché così il concetto lo esprimo meglio. Scrivo perché certe volte mi vengono pensieri talmente contorti che non possono non essere trasmessi, li penso so only once, if I try to reformulate it would be a disaster, it must be written immediately. I write because someone might find in my words. I write because writing makes me well and immediately after putting the post title to check a smile on my face the evil of any kind is the post. I write because I remember what I thought for the month of February last year I just click on the archive and regain my thoughts, good and ready, fresh as they were then when I had written. Writing is like being able to hibernate a person, the freeze at a certain time in a given situation, a certain attitude. When the thaw is there as before, nothing has changed. I write because I've got admiration that I visit almost every day from Sicily, and of which I'd love to know the identity. I write because my mother every day goes by here and then, as I speak little, from one of my posts, for those who know me, if they can come up with a very nice conversation.
write because a couple of years re-read these words will be great fun.
Tomorrow I have another question but this morning I opened the notebook to write one of two things mentioned above:

I rub my eyes, there is nothing to be done.
I see them everywhere.
Me in front of them meeting in the morning upon waking, the evening before going to sleep.
I am a beautiful nightmare.


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