Do asylum in me as an enemy that I fear to offend, a heart that feels all too natural that dream as if it were true that accompanies the melody with the foot of the songs that my thoughts sings sad songs , as the narrow streets when it rains.
I always thought it was kind of my duty to write a post on this topic, a moral obligation, something to clarify to myself just to see what I blend in this dall'asintotica spherical head that I find myself . I just read the existence of the hairy ball theorem which states that there are still non-zero vector fields tangent to spherical surfaces hairy, or you can not comb a hairy ball continuously, also imagine a tennis ball, as the would result in a bald hairstyle: in a nutshell says that if for example there is no wind throughout the world surely in another part of the world there will be a point where it will pull wind.
Whether these are our dreams? Away from the constant wind that touches everyone and everything, either? Whether a roof under which to escape? Incalculable trajectory of a bullet? Or that they are rather the opposite as well as a set of behaviors, events and vicissitudes that brings us to expose ourselves to this noble much wind?
There is so much about dreams as books, movies and celebrities and opinion is certainly not a "topic of this course" to treat them in depth because, clearly, we can not give a precise definition to those who are our dreams. These
change, change, day by day according to our mood, how we get out of bed in the morning, what we eat for lunch. How to give an explanation to something changing? To serve as a differential equation for this? Valley to explain the differences to children, I still I've got some doubts.
Some believe that dreaming is enough to go to bed at night.
Some also believe that dreaming is stupid, by frignoni.
Still others believe that it is the will of his own subconscious to emerge.
to use a phrase I believe that abused dreams are wishes .
hardly lie to ourselves and dream of things difficult to impossible. We dream of things within our reach, with sacrifices, but our reach and that is why that man dreams: for the possible and concrete certainty of achieving a wish, nothing more. The real problem is that being truly wishes not even depend on us. There are half a thousand other factors and people.
Dreams are hope, sometimes invisible threads which hopelessly trying to stick with every last strength remained, however, many of which wires may be trapped, entangled in an endless skein.
Dreams are like the waves are: powerful, dangerous and eternal.
Am I the only instrument che ci spinge ad agire, l'unico strumento che ci è dato per poter usufruire di uno dei pochi diritti che ci sono stati dati: la libertà di scelta. C'è gente che sceglie di mollare tutto per inseguire i propri sogni, probabilmente non li raggiunge nemmeno ma non si preclude neanche la possibilità di farlo. Prendete un cinico: vi dirà che è un folle.
Un cinico, in fondo in fondo, pensandoci, è un po' greedy .
E quale sia l'atteggiamento giusto nei confronti di tutto questo per fortuna non ci è dato saperlo: non possiamo cambiare le carte che ci sono state distribuite ma solo il modo di giocare la mano . Che cos'è esattamente un sogno se the possibility of not being able to play cards in a certain way, to be able to place a bluff mockingly in the face of life itself?
Maybe I should stop dreaming ♪ .
If we close the door of dreams, we're already dead.
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