Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Tie A Converse Double Upper


Any excess is wrong.
Like the obese is not wrong to eat, it is wrong to be greedy.
E 'wrong to exaggerate, to live according to its excesses.
Everything is right in his own way, in appropriate proportions.
We expect so much more More and more, but it reaches the point where the limit is reached. The Po is pushed further and further each year but still reaches a limit, historical or not, but it reaches him.
does not break the levees. It does not create disasters.
intrude, transcend it can cause so much harm to many others to themselves. We must take it slow, with feet of lead, one step at a time. You may not see it, the puddles, the manhole covers self-propelled. The obstacles to wink essential goals: overestimated in cold fountains in the desert. There is nothing worse than being able to have the world at its feet, not realizing it.
Then life, as always, however, in its way, will its course.

This is the only thing I know for certain: to each his own.

wake up.


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