Saturday, March 12, 2011

Special Skills For A Cook

Post epico-commemorativo?!

This would be an epic post-Memorial: the penny post.
I had developed a long, sad and boring, not like in form and content myself, I have avoided posting and who knows if it ever will.
I wanted to post that this was a happy or sad, even if not at least write a few hours before leaving may seem a bit 'risky.
This is not to say much more, I just want to dedicate it to those who these days has made me a happy person: thanks.

Shut the door, as I said 12 days ago, opened in Milan.
This is the door that closes and, as always in life, here's yet another to open.

What Size Igloo For A Hedgehog?

La Regione sollecita Trenitalia ad accelerare il completamento del rinnovo degli arredi interni delle carrozze, come da noi più volte richiesto

We received the Councillor Vesco
the annexed letter that refers to the commitment assumed by Trenitalia to continue the work of replacing the seats, resin floors and replacement of the steps is now locked.

Where the revamping has been done, we found a decided improvement in the level of cleanliness and decorum, while the old cloth seats continue to be difficult to clean and are increasingly unpresentable.

continue with these operations is very important to enable firms that perform the cleaning to work better and faster, giving users a better result and more satisfying. E’ prioritario che le famigerate foderine di stoffa siano al più presto tutte sostituite da quelle in materiale sintetico, più facili da pulire con buoni detergenti e disinfettanti.

Ringraziamo l’assessore per questa iniziativa, che ci auguriamo troverà una risposta positiva e tempestiva da parte di Trenitalia.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sample Worksheets On Triple Beam Balance

Moretti chiede risorse per il trasporto merci e passeggeri, ma Matteoli risponde picche

“Prima di tutto merci in treno e basta camion”. Con queste parole l’amministratore delegato di Ferrovie dello Stato, Mauro Moretti, ha rilanciato l’idea dello sviluppo del settore cargo. Una sfida che si unisce a quella dei pendolari nelle grandi città, per i quali, secondo Moretti ci vogliono risorse maggiori. Intervenendo alla presentazione del Treno Verde 2011 di Fs e Legambiente, l’ad di Ferrovie dello Stato ha escluso lo spacchettamento del cargo. “Il Paese ha bisogno che le merci vengano portate in treno”, ha detto Moretti, “e questo deve avvenire non nei tratturi, ma attraverso i grandi corridoi europei e i grandi centri modali. Ci stiamo attrezzando con il Piano di sviluppo sulle merci con una visione europea e faremo la nostra battaglia”.“Il Piano non c’è, ancora lo stiamo costruendo”, ha detto Moretti, spiegando che quando sarà pronto verrà presentato a tutti. “A differenza di quello che è venuto fuori dalle prime indiscrezioni, ci sono due punti su cui stiamo focalizzando l’attenzione. Il primo problema have the goods on this train and also propose conditions, because if we had the same rules they have in France and Germany could significantly increase the goods train. If we are many, it is likely that we can win this challenge. The other problem are the commuters in large cities, who need more services and it takes more resources, "Moretti added, without specifying where it should get the resources. "We are ready with a lot of what we can do as a company, but we also want more money. If we can overcome these two challenges, we made a big step forward for the country, "said Moretti, pointing out that all the players involved need to their part. "We'll see who gives us a hand. We can not all want the development of goods by train and then anyone who takes a step. "
But the Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation freeze proposals Moretti: "I do not feel a strong commitment to take on the functionality of the railways in freight transport. Matteoli said, in the Public Works Committee hearing in the Senate, adding that "it is difficult to return to rail transport", especially after talking with some counterparts in the European ministers. Matteoli said he believed "a lot on the motorways of the sea and not having stepped up in recent years has been wrong." However, ha rilevato, “pedaggiare alcune strade può favorire” il trasferimento del trasporto delle merci. Le parole di Matteoli hanno immediatamente provocato una serie di reazioni. Assoferr, l’associazione degli operatori ferroviari e intermodali, ha espresso “profondo sconcerto e preoccupazione” per le frasi del ministro dei Trasporti. “Speriamo in una pronta rettifica da parte del ministro poiché, in una situazione in cui le ferrovie merci hanno già perso 24 milioni di treni/km in tre anni, si tratterebbe di una totale resa verso la necessità di un riequilibrio modale necessario invece per dare al Paese un sistema logistico e trasportistico moderno ed ecologicamente sostenibile. Assoferr auspica al contrario un impegno strong by the Government in the completion of the liberalization of the rail market and creating the conditions that make it effective, with all necessary guarantees of transparency and security. "Even James Patrick, president of FerCargo, the association of the Italian private rail freight, Matteoli said the words: "We are surprised and incredulous," said Patrick, "before the words spoken by the Transport Minister Matteoli. To say that freight rail is a way to leave is uneconomic, short-sighted from an environmental perspective, and is undoubtedly detrimental to the logistic system of the country and in the streets italiane, già al collasso. Il ministro ha deciso di smentire se stesso, non si spiega altrimenti perché negli ultimi due anni abbia sempre sostenuto il contrario di quanto dichiarato ieri (mercoledì, ndr)”, afferma Di Patrizi, sottolineando che “a differenza dell’Italia, Paesi come Francia, Svizzera e Germania, stanno investendo pesantemente nel trasporto su ferro, registrando tassi di crescita notevoli, anche del 15 per cento annuo. E questa è esattamente la direzione indicata dall’Unione Europea. Ci auguriamo che quanto dichiarato dal ministro non si traduca in atti e azioni concrete verso lo smantellamento del sistema ferroviario del trasporto delle merci: sarebbe devastane non solo per il comparto, ma soprattutto per l’industria, l’ambiente, e per la competitività dell’intero sistema Paese”.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yorkshire Puddings Sticking To Pan

Treni soppressi da Savona al levante, mattinata infernale: rivolta dei pendolari


Genova. Non è certo cominciata bene la giornata per chi utilizza il treno come mezzo di spostamento dal ponente al levante. Il regionale 11247, proveniente da Savona e diretto a Sestri Levante, è stato infatti soppresso a causa di un guasto a una delle carrozze.
Il problema, però, a quanto raccontano i pendolari, è che la cancellazione del convoglio è avvenuta senza nessun avviso vocale, ma solo tramite un foglio di carta appeso in stazione. Una cancellzione che ha provocato notevoli disagi perché si sono accumulati ritardi sugli other trains. One in particular, then, that of 7.26 from Genoa to Savona (11 363), has become a local, making all the stops, and arriving in Genoa Brignole with more than 30 minutes late. A morning
hell, then, for commuters, who are angry because they had to travel literally crammed into carriages filled to capacity. "Just a little thing to create an extreme hardship - Sonia says Zarin, spokesman for the commuter - the lack of maintenance resulting from the cuts is becoming increasingly evident. Once the checks were performed regularly and prior to departure, but are now being carried out during the trip and this allows to run for cover in case of need. "

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ap Bio Diffusion And Osmosis Lab Report

Intercity soppressi, i pendolari: “Di questo passo Liguria sempre più isolata”

Region. Two new trains will be added to the "black list" of trains canceled in Liguria. This time to fall under the "dark" Trenitalia's Intercity 514 and 517 will be in service between Genoa and Turin. A decision, shared with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation, which has startled commuters and Alderman Ligurian regional transportation, Vesco Henry, who just last February 7 he wrote to the Directorate of National Passenger Trenitalia to prevent the removal, noting in in particular as it Alessandria-Genoa there are no viable alternatives to 517.
"I'd rather underlined the need - said Vesco-links to support the development of the InterCity and Eurostar City to facilitate the mobility of citizens on the main Genoa-Ventimiglia-La Spezia and the one that connects the capital with our Milan and Turin." Today, however, came from the top of Trenitalia communication: the Intercity 514 and 517, respectively, from Genoa Brignole at 18:53 with arrival in Turin Porta Nuova at 20:55 and departing from London at 16.05 arriving at 18:08 will be in Genova cut.
'Again - Zarino says Sonia, a spokesman for commuters Liguria - witness a demonstration of insensitivity with respect to the real needs of those who use public transport. Instead of helping people, increasing the services, we adopt a policy contrary, in fact creating the conditions to spend more. " Private vehicles, especially these days, means coming to terms with my dear petrol and motorway toll rising. "Not to mention that at the end there is a real economic gain: a cut in services, increase social costs. Come to think - Zarino points - that the government wants to make use of the car because, between taxes and duties, can earn better. "
Meanwhile, the region already at high risk infrastructure isolation he suffers another small stroke. "At this step, continuing to cut the train, all of Liguria is increasingly isolated - the spokesman said commuters Liguria - certainly not a far-sighted choice. After all what we see for other issues, it seems that public transport will sail in sight, no real long-term program. Do not believe anyone, either at national or local one - concluded Zarino - when, with an appropriate investment policy on mobility, there would be a double feedback: to citizens in terms of services, and for ' economy, in terms of new job opportunities and at the very time when the industry is in crisis. "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Isabella Soprano At Bunny Ranch

Miriel OOAK fairy "Classic" My

How do I missed my classic fairy! It did in fact lately I have other fairies and I wanted to go a bit 'to the genre.
Miriel was modeled with polymer clay Sculpey Living Doll is about 24 cm high. (9 3 / 8 inch), the hair is tibetan lamb and the wreath was made with wire and beads and is removable.
Miriel remains standing thanks to a metal support for dolls.