cuts and fare increases ? No agreement, at most, acknowledged
A fronte delle notizie diffuse ieri dall'Ass. Vesco in merito ad un accordo sottoscritto con i Pendolari Liguri, si ritiene doveroso precisare quanto segue:
L'adesione a tale documento รจ da intendersi unicamente per quel che concerne la diminuzione dell'aumento degli abbonamenti e delle tariffe di corsa semplice, che in un primo tempo era stata quantificata rispettivamente nel 20% e nel 30%, portandole ora a 15% e 25%.
Approximately cuts nothing we could say about it, since the list was made if there is not some hours before the press conference to reporters, apparently out of time for any serious consideration and observation.
Our assessment on the occasion of signing the document has been partial and therefore why we believe that, as far as we are concerned, we can not speak of "agreement" but rather to acknowledge, that assumes, as stated in the document , the reference to a "next confrontation," "the definition of actions to be activated."
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