Sunday, December 26, 2010

How To Tell If You Have Ingrown Hairs Or Herpes

fare increases and cuts in rail: more costs than benefits for users

The February 1st we will all be poorer because the we have to spend more to travel by train and we will be even more because we will reduce the connections.

In the now customary "Christmas Meeting" convened on December 22 Ass. Vesco has informed us (albeit partially, as we shall see) as determined by the region in terms of cuts and increases in train fares.

Faced with more that 35 million (pare!) should arrive by the Government, and removed the 25 previously transferred from other regional chapters of the budget, they would leave 10 million of which 5 would go to rail transport. A little 'complicated? So, in summary, il “buco” di bilancio per il trasporto pubblico verrebbe ridotto da 38 a 33 milioni di euro. Sempre meglio di niente, ma certo non un grande progresso.

Un milione andrebbe a coprire il costo dell’integrazione AMT-Trenitalia, che per gli utenti genovesi è una bella notizia. Questa integrazione è davvero molto importante, e sarebbe assurdo tornare indietro anche in considerazione degli investimenti che si stanno facendo per migliorare le linee del nodo di Genova allo scopo di integrare sempre di più la ferrovia nella mobilità metropolitana. Non sarebbe infatti molto logico investire miliardi per migliorare le linee per poi ridurre i treni e i collegamenti! Eppure questo potrebbe essere uno scenario molto probabile.

The rest of the resources coming from Rome would lessen the impact of tariff increases, which at this point would stand up +15% to +25% on subscriptions and for single tickets.

From January 10 should be reinstated on connecting Genoa and Bologna, as the Emilia Romagna would be available to work: the many protests and complaints in the two regions have had an important effect. About

cuts or the famous "black list" at the meeting nothing was revealed to us, apart from the ritual assurances on the extreme caution and care with which the fatal list had been compiled. The ass. Vesco decided to send her to e-mail a few hours before the press conference that was held the next day, December 23.

It was therefore possible to inspect the cuts in time to play some consideration, much less demands for change, so the comments that we are necessarily made after the event.

We also should be pointed out, in response to statements by the ass. Vesco about an "agreement" signed by the associations present who its compliance with this document is intended only for what concerns the reduction of the increase in subscriptions and charges for one way, that initially had been quantified respectively in 20% and 30%, now at 15% and 25%. Our assessment on the occasion of signing the document was necessarily partial and therefore we believe that, as far as we are concerned, we can not speak of "agreement" but rather to take note , which assumes, as stated in document, the term "next to a comparison", "the definition of actions to be activated."

There are many more than those that have been raised. It was about 30, then 20. To date, fewer than 68: 38 weekdays (about 290, ie 6%) and 27 public holidays (on 205, or 13%).
12 collegamenti sul Ponente
28 collegamenti sul Levante
36 collegamenti nell’area metropolitana
4 collegamenti Genova – Arquata S.
4 collegamenti Genova – Acqui Terme
9 collegamenti Genova – Milano C.
(il totale è maggiore di 68 perché alcuni treni percorrono più direttrici)

La maggior parte dei tagli riguarda periodi festivi o semifestivi (sabati), ma ve ne sono anche di soppressi completamente, in particolare sul Levante: l’11326 (serale da La Spezia a Genova B.), l’11385 e il 24527 (serali da Sestri L. a La Spezia) e il 2044 (mattinale da La Spezia a Sestri L.). Da Milano per Genova B. sarà soppresso il serale 2199.
few trains that cover resorts frequented mainly in spring and summer are effectively linked to seasonality (eg those serving the Cinque Terre), does not appear to understand the reduction of the trains that hover in particular the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bGenoa.

The fact that they have been deleted in particular through Saturday and holidays, is hardly a choice that you can frame a political choice that actually encourages the use of public transport. These days for leisure time are not in fact less problematic in terms of congestion and car traffic, and the decrease of supply in the field of public transport will only exacerbate la situazione.

Così facendo, infatti, si “limita” per così dire il bacino degli utenti ai pendolari che per lavoro o studio si spostano sulle reti regionali, rinunciando di fatto a coinvolgere nell’uso dei mezzi pubblici tutti coloro che si muovono anche per svago e nel tempo libero, dai turisti agli stessi cittadini della regione, che dovranno sempre di più fare ricorso ai mezzi privati, intasando strade e autostrade che sono già oggi al collasso.

Oltre a questo aspetto, c’è naturalmente anche quello legato alla diminuzione delle possibilità di fruire del tpl da parte di soggetti che non vogliono o non possono servirsi di mezzi privati per spostarsi all’interno dell’area Metro Genoese in particular the young, elderly and economically disadvantaged individuals. Buy a subscription

will certainly be less attractive because, if once he could use either daily, from February you'll be using for work or study while in the days of leisure will move more closely with private means, and this is also a very negative consequence of cuts in the concept.

This choice, which sees public transport planned only for certain types of movement (of commuters and students), rather than the mobility in general, reflects a rather old-fashioned and far from what happens in the most modern and enhanced reality europee, dove sempre più i cittadini reclamano quale fattore del miglioramento della qualità della vita la disponibilità di una rete di mezzi di trasporto pubblico efficiente.

Marketsphere Uncliamed Property Scams

All cuts from February 1, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

How Much A Plan B Cost?

Merry Christmas! Cara

Friday, December 24, 2010

32 Travel Trailer Weight Guide

cuts and fare increases ? No agreement, at most, acknowledged

A fronte delle notizie diffuse ieri dall'Ass. Vesco in merito ad un accordo sottoscritto con i Pendolari Liguri, si ritiene doveroso precisare quanto segue:
 L'adesione a tale documento è da intendersi unicamente per quel che concerne la diminuzione dell'aumento degli abbonamenti e delle tariffe di corsa semplice, che in un primo tempo era stata quantificata rispettivamente nel 20% e nel 30%, portandole ora a 15% e 25%.
 Approximately cuts nothing we could say about it, since the list was made if there is not some hours before the press conference to reporters, apparently out of time for any serious consideration and observation.
Our assessment on the occasion of signing the document has been partial and therefore why we believe that, as far as we are concerned, we can not speak of "agreement" but rather to acknowledge, that assumes, as stated in the document , the reference to a "next confrontation," "the definition of actions to be activated."

Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Most Expensive Desktop

Cuts, Genoa convoys loses treno.Venti eliminated, affected mainly commuters

Republic of Genoa

NINETEEN trains in less than a day on weekdays and 27 trains canceled on holidays: the cutting of rail transport in Liguria to be triggered from the month of February. And from February price increases are triggered by a change with respect to what had already been decided about ten days ago, reduces the increase in subscriptions and tickets. The first increase of 15 percent compared with 20 percent already expected and the rise of 25 per cent tickets were snapped while the calculations for an increase of 30 percent. The decision is very recent, "and that is why the increase as well as cuts to service but will not be operational from January to February: Trenitalia non avrebbe avuto il tempo necessario a modificare la tariffazione e l´orario». Lo ha spiegato ieri mattina l´assessore regionale ai trasporti Enrico Vesco, presentando l´accordo raggiunto con i pendolari e le associazioni dei consumatori.«La giunta ha deciso di investire altri 5 milioni di euro sul trasporto ferroviario - ha detto Vesco - oltre ai 25 già stanziati». Ha spiegato che si tratta di un atto della Regione basato su un impegno di rifinanziamento assunto dal governo: «ma ad ora non contenuto in nessun atto di legge (ci aspettavamo che fosse nel milleproroghe ma non c´era). Nonostante non ci sia certezza neppure dei tempi, noi abbiamo deciso questo ulteriore passo, con cui abbiamo mitigato l´impatto dei tagli del governo».I cinque milioni vengono impiegati in parte per mantenere ancora per due anni intatto, a Genova, il biglietto integrato bus più treno: «senza diversificazioni tariffarie con quelle dell´Amt», ha specificato l´assessore. La scelta di Genova, ha detto: «è doverosa dal momento che da sola vale i tre quarti del trasporto ferroviario ligure». Gli altri quattro milioni di euro, la Regione insieme alle associazioni dei consumatori e dei pendolari, ha deciso di impiegarli per metà in modo da ridurre gli aumenti delle tariffe già decisi e per l´altra metà per ridurre il numero dei treni cancellati. La black list riguarda numerosi treni: «che erano utilizzati soprattutto da studenti e che dunque in summer were not needed. Or trains of rivers, used by tourists in winter but did not have great attendance. All trains have cut alternative schedules neighbors. Cuts are painful but sustainable system. " The cut saved the line to Acqui Terme, "we discussed a lot. In the end we decided not to cut, but a train in late morning on Sunday and that has nothing to do with commuting. " In the coming days could be restored to the Genoa-Bologna which has just been removed (stops in La Spezia), "are in negotiations with the Region Emilia that she realized how that serves mainly to their commuter train and is willing to good cover parte dei costi», ha detto Vesco.«Le associazioni dei consumatori sono riuscite ad addolcire una pillola che senza il nostro intervento sarebbe stata assai più amara», ha commentato Stefano Salvetti di Adiconsum.

Drinking Beer With Tonsolitis

fairy still do not know who you are ...... part 2

Here is my fairy face painting with the pink tones, the lashes were applied in the under one by one, a job really nerve-wracking! While in the above because I'd had enough I decided to put the eyelashes that are already attached together by a cotton thread.

Even the hands are painted and finished, but I have to wait to finish the shoes, until I decided what color the dress will not be able to complete their processing. But you can see that the shoes are pretty much in style 700 'will clearly finished as well as with the color applied over something.

At the moment the idea is to make a dress of pink ...................

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Customize Jac Vanek Bracelets

Cara fairy still do not know who you are ...... Part 1

This fairy has really big ears .. ....... maybe I exaggerated, but the initial idea was to ask you a very voluminous hair to the tips of his ears which usually disappears in the midst of all the hair, so it should not disappear but rather be seen clearly! In fact when I start

to model a fairy always start with one thing in mind going forward but then why change something at the end of the initial idea is very little in any case now I have so many ideas for this and no fairy ....... ....... just not know yet what kind of fairy will be!

For now I'll show you only photos of the modeling, one thing is for sure ........... will have shoes, because I did not walk!

The measure of fairy will pay about 23 cm. / 9 inch.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Little Rash On My Puppys Butt

My "Alice" in the magazine N ° 23 Dolls "The Magic Wand "

My version of "Alice in Wonderland" is ooak magazine N ° 23 Dolls "Magic Wand" and in the next issue you will find the work in progress.

In my personal representation of Alice in Wonderland, I was struck by the scene of the Disney cartoon in which Alice "little one" encounters of the flowers in the woods talking, and then begin to sing, among the many flowers I chose to represent the small pansy. In the same scene (in this case lasts for a few seconds) there is also a brucogatto sleeping on a leaf of a flower; the brucogatto is disturbed and awakened from barking with a brucocane and eventually the poor brucogatto is forced to escape!

Alice is about cm high. 22.5 (inches 8 3 / 4) including the base. The width of the base is about cm. 31.5 (12 1 / 8 inches) and depth of about cm. 21 (inches 8 1 / 4) by measuring the deepest part.

Alice was created with polymer clay Sculpey Living Doll, the features and body skin were stained with the colors Genesis Paint. Alice's hair is tibetan lamb, his eyes were created by me using the technique of printing on acetate. The lashes are applied one by one, the dress was made with various fabrics and shoes have been shaped polymer clay. The

brucogatto brucocane and were created with polymer clay Fimo, while the trunk is a true piece of wood the petals have pansies in cloth and have been revised to look more "magic" .

Monday, August 30, 2010

How Do You Know If You Have Lice

Gold, gold and more gold! A clown fairy

's over! I called Kayla my ooak fairy. The entire sculpture (from the base the tip of the golden crown) cm in height around. 25. E 'was modeled with a mix of polymer clay.

And here is the bodice and sleeves with a fairy who is holding his scepter. At this point there are only the hair and wings.

This is scepter.

I went ahead and managed to make her bodice, small sleeves and a scepter.

And here you can see why I titled the post gold, gold and more gold!

To create the base I used an oval cardboard and wood very hard that I filled with aluminum foil.

of my little head is the last fairy.