Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Excuse Letter Because Of His Wedding


Foreign language courses:


L 'Rosæmente Association has always been attentive to the socio-cultural dynamics and integration of the different, identified in the vast sea of \u200b\u200bcommunication in our multicultural society the importance of knowledge of Oriental languages \u200b\u200band the Middle East, which increasingly face in everyday contemporary given the increasing presence in our territories citizens of these realtà culturali. Tanto nelle aule delle scuole primarie, secondarie e delle università, quanto negli esercizi commerciali e nelle piccole, medie e grandi aziende, sempre di più ci si ritrova ad affrontare tematiche legate ad un'economia globale e ai relativi scambi commerciali in tutto il mondo.

L'Associazione Rosæmente, in tale contesto, desidera intervenire a favore della cittadinanza attiva interessata intercultural integration, proposing a program of courses in order to get a better understanding of the language is foreign, who wish to acquire greater mastery of the language of the host country (Italian), but also companies in the province of Teramo wishing to enable their employees to improve knowledge of foreign languages, especially considering such a measure is important and significant for improving the local economy's competitiveness in international markets, given the peculiarities of the district has always been strongly oriented towards export.

person to refer to any contacts:
Antonella _Segretaria Hush 3402744528

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Ejaculated During My Brazilian Wax

Video of the Social Forum-"Do not throw anything away "Fly the Fly Ecofestival

Video of the Social Forum-"Do not throw anything away" of 18 to 19 October 2008 Fly Fly Ecofestival ddegli Roseto Abruzzi.

attended the following speakers: The Ministry for Environment Achilles Frezza, President CIRSU Lunella Cerquone Commissioner Consorzio Agrario di Pasquale Teramo Mr. Manola, WWF-Atri Umberto Di Loreto, District Maiella Gianni Caramanico, Sandro Scerni , Vittorio Di Giacinto, Spin-Off LCA Lab Francesca Falconi and active citizenship of Roseto

any relevant comment is welcome .....