Sunday, October 4, 2009

Do Nylons Make Women Feet Smell

Helen, the bride

Elena is my first fairy ooak wife, is about 24 cm high. the hair is mohair. Elena has no wings. E 'was modeled with polymer clay Sculpey Living Doll.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cheats To Tokugawa Online Game

fairy fairy snow ....

Finally my ooak fairy snow is over! His name is Faylinn. E 'was modeled with polymer clay Sculpey Living Doll.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Difference Between Cramps And Pregnancy

articles and tutorials "Hair Fairy" in the magazine "Magic Wand" ooak fairy dolls

On N ° 15 of the month from June to July 2009 of the Italian magazine " The Magic Wand "dolls you can find an article on me and I made a tutorial on how to apply hair to our fairies.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No-tan-lines Resorts In Koh Samui


Maurette is the fairy ooak that launched my new blog! E 'was created with polymer clay Sculpey Living Doll, and only the head, torso and the bottom half of the arms and legs were shaped with polymer clay, the rest of the body is created with soft polyfill.
The dress was made entirely by me. The hair is mohair and glass eyes are green. In total, the sculpture is about 28.5 cm high.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Basketball Warm Up Music

WEB TV Channel for the live May 24

Channel Rosaemente WEB TV will be 'available for the live May 24.

Wanted volunteers to manage the channel during the marathon for charity ..

work to do and 'we just want simple good will' ..

Coming Soon .. AE

Friday, April 24, 2009

Can You Start Your Period 8dpo

Charity Festival "May 24" for the city 'of the mammoth (L'Aquila)

Charity Festival "May 24" for the city 'of the mammoth (L'Aquila)
(1° obiettivo: trovare un nome per il festival)

Tutte le persone interessate a partecipare, contribuire ed aiutare l'organizzazione per la buona riuscita dell'evento di benificenza per la citta' dell'Aquila sono pregate di iscriversi al wiki24Maggio sotto indicato per creare uno spazio virtuale necessario a tutto il management dell'evento.

Presenze confermate:
-GIOVANNI LATTANZI e il NOME DELLA ROSA convegno "manifesto per una ricostruzione possibile"...L'aquila prima e dopo, con inseti letterari di poesie lette
-CIA: presenza di stand enogastronomici (con occhio di riguardo all'aquilano)
-Cerro ART FESTIVAL: free selection of bands
- TERRATEATRO : children's show
- ROSAEMENTE : bureaucracy and selling beer
COMPANY Virtuoso classical guitar weaves
- BOLLITORADIO : live web radio and video
-STUDIO MIRROR: communication strategies

The event aims to realize two key issues:

1.Beneficenza people to Aquila.
2.Integrazione with that of the seaside town of Aquila, through art, workshops and Sport

To date there is this: it's up to us to add or cream, or not to change
10 am - TOWN HALL VILLA: Symposium: "Manifesto for a possible reconstruction" by Giovanni Lattanzi and Cultural Circle Name Rosa. Debate between institutions and people of Abruzzo (Aquila species)
11 am - TOWN HALL VILLA: Food stands
Opening Hours 15 - VILLA CITY: Ecological Laboratories for children by WWF-World Badlands of Atri and Tondo Roseto degli Abruzzi 16 Hours
- PALM ARENA 4: performance of professional players by Frisbee Association Rosaemente
Hours 17 - TOWN HALL VILLA: Theatre for Children by TERRATEATRO
17-24 hours - PALM ARENA 4: Music festivals: non-stop performance of various regional groups and extra-edited by CERRANO ART FESTIVAL of pine forest and the new direction of Cellino Attanasio
Hours 21 - TOWN HALL VILLA: Classical music concert COMPANY interlacing classical guitar virtuoso

L ' entire event (from 10 am to 24) will be live radio and video over the web and provide a service for collecting evidence on the earthquake and charity from the people who follow the show on the site.

All sensitive people are asked to meet in Wiki24Maggio 2009 to create a joint project of Charity, Arts, Music, Theatre, Workshops and Round Tables

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Excuse Letter Because Of His Wedding


Foreign language courses:


L 'Rosæmente Association has always been attentive to the socio-cultural dynamics and integration of the different, identified in the vast sea of \u200b\u200bcommunication in our multicultural society the importance of knowledge of Oriental languages \u200b\u200band the Middle East, which increasingly face in everyday contemporary given the increasing presence in our territories citizens of these realtà culturali. Tanto nelle aule delle scuole primarie, secondarie e delle università, quanto negli esercizi commerciali e nelle piccole, medie e grandi aziende, sempre di più ci si ritrova ad affrontare tematiche legate ad un'economia globale e ai relativi scambi commerciali in tutto il mondo.

L'Associazione Rosæmente, in tale contesto, desidera intervenire a favore della cittadinanza attiva interessata intercultural integration, proposing a program of courses in order to get a better understanding of the language is foreign, who wish to acquire greater mastery of the language of the host country (Italian), but also companies in the province of Teramo wishing to enable their employees to improve knowledge of foreign languages, especially considering such a measure is important and significant for improving the local economy's competitiveness in international markets, given the peculiarities of the district has always been strongly oriented towards export.

person to refer to any contacts:
Antonella _Segretaria Hush 3402744528

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Ejaculated During My Brazilian Wax

Video of the Social Forum-"Do not throw anything away "Fly the Fly Ecofestival

Video of the Social Forum-"Do not throw anything away" of 18 to 19 October 2008 Fly Fly Ecofestival ddegli Roseto Abruzzi.

attended the following speakers: The Ministry for Environment Achilles Frezza, President CIRSU Lunella Cerquone Commissioner Consorzio Agrario di Pasquale Teramo Mr. Manola, WWF-Atri Umberto Di Loreto, District Maiella Gianni Caramanico, Sandro Scerni , Vittorio Di Giacinto, Spin-Off LCA Lab Francesca Falconi and active citizenship of Roseto

any relevant comment is welcome .....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dates For Lucasville Flea Market 2010

2008 Manifesto of ethics of Rosæmente


The opening of the new social-network wants to be an incentive to turn the page in the past without forgetting it all . It does start from an internal reflection of our work in progress for a future that includes "common goods" difficult to exploit in terms of money or as a bargaining chip: Nature, Community and Culture.
's time to realize the gifts we share. Not only that: it is also time to give a name, protect and organize.

Rosæmente The directors of the Association is accountable to shareholders, if they take more social responsibility, perhaps the Board would be more careful. And 'the idea that this is the basis for ethical behavior.

we share together and create an ethical manifesto for creating a common thread that wraps all in a mission. An objective look at our future without esauirire common goods that have been donated.

L'immaginazione è più importante della conoscenza
Alberte Eistein, 1929