E 'on the air for several days on the national network commercials created by Milo Manara that in the past had worked for the press campaign of the famous brand "the little man with the striped pajamas."
In this commercial that was filmed in Buenos Aires and in forging the animation Milo Manara wearing the famous striped pajamas and is awakened by the kiss to one of their "little women."
The implementation is a collaborative effort Leopoldo Bloom Editore between the agency and Distillery Bologna.
The song is called morning and was composed and performed by Marco Murari .
These are the first pictures of the evening dedicated to the performance of Alessandro Sanna, which was held in Carpi Sunday, June 1st. Thanks to all those who made this event possible: from Anna Prandi, Odo Semellini and Emiliano Stentarelli of the Library of Carpi, Giulio Cesare Cuccolini for submission to Damian, Sebastian, Max and the wonderful voice of Maria che con la loro musica hanno accompagnato le creazioni di Alessandro mentre prendevano "vita" sul palco. E infine un grazie anche a Nicolò Pellizzon per le riprese video della serata.