Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pros For Creating A Market For The Sale Of Organs

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009!

L'associazione Rosæmente
ti augura Buon Natale ed un Felice 2009!

il resto degli auguri su facebook

Denise Milani Bare Breasted

Fly Fly 2008 "Do not throw anything away" Roseto degli Abruzzi

Associazione Rosaemente ha postato una foto:

Vola Vola 2008 Roseto degli Abruzzi

Ecofestival Vola Vola 2008 Non si butta via niente"; 18-19 ottobre Roseto degli Abruzzi

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Vola Vola Ecofestival 2008, Roseto degli abruzzi 18-19 ott from Rosaemente on Vimeo .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Herpes Hives That Look Like Bites

Presented to the province of Teramo activities for the first half of 2009 Italian

Cari amici e soci,
in attesa della valutazione della commissione provinciale sul progetto Rosaemente intitolato: "Lingue straniere per tutti i tipi" vi alleghiamo i contenuti del progetto per la realizzazioned i 4 corsi di lingue straniere: cinese, arabo, inglese commerciale e italiano per stranieri .

Tutte le informazioni le trovate nel testo pdf qui sotto, per ulteriori informazioni non esitate a contattarci.

oppure trovateci su facebook

Buona serata

Ass. Rosaemente

Monday, December 1, 2008

How Fast I Can Receive Title In Pa

Young Scientists Take to the Streets By Science .....

Young Italian Scientists Take to the Streets

There are no guarantees even for scientists who were in the process of being brought into permanent positions.

I n most countries, Luca Leuzzi would be well on his way to tenure. After obtaining a Ph.D. in theoretical physics cum laude from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Leuzzi came back to his native Italy in 2002 for a 2-year postdoc at Statistical Mechanics and Complexity, a National Research Council center at the University of Rome, "La Sapienza." Leuzzi, who is 36 years old, obtained a 5-year position there (akin to a tenure-track position elsewhere) in January 2005. He was confident that, in time, he would obtain tenure.

But Leuzzi's career aspirations, along with those of many other researchers on short-term contracts in Italy, have collided with a series of new laws that will severely reduce national resources for universities and research centers, part of a larger plan to boost the country's economy. Today, Leuzzi's prospects are "quite unclear," as he puts it. "The only thing I know is that either I'm in, or I have to leave."

Cuts in financial and human resources

Passed over the summer, Legge 133/08 , the new Italian law, is set to drastically cut the financial and human resources for universities and public research agencies. In particular, Legge 133/08 will reduce the national budget for core expenses such as salaries, building maintenance, and research support in Italian universities by €63.5 million for 2009, a cut that will rise gradually to €455 million by 2013. Altogether, over the next 5 years, such cuts will add up to a loss of almost €1.5 billion in public funding for Italian universities. To get an idea of the scale of the cuts, consider that in 2011 that's an estimated 12.7% reduction in the core budget the previous government had planned--and the previous government's budget had already been revised downward to reflect the weakness of the economy. The only possible bright, yet controversial, spot in the new law is that it gives universities the right to become foundations so that they may raise private funds to offset the public losses.

The savings are mostly to be realized through a freeze in the hiring and promotion of permanent university staff over the next 3 years. Legge 133/08 requires public institutions to fill no more than two new positions in 2010 and 2011 for every 10 vacated by retirement the year before. In 2012, up to half of vacated positions may be filled. Legge 133/08 also requires public institutions to reduce their costs for nonmanagerial permanent staff--a category that includes researchers on the first rung of the academic career ladder and technicians--by at least 10%.

A generation at risk

Pasquale Stano

Pasquale Stano

Members of Italy's university community view the new law as salt in the wound, an aggravation of a situation that was already grim. Italy's research and development (R&D) spending is currently at 1.10% of its gross domestic product, well below the European Union average of 1.84%. "We all think that it is a real suicide for Italy to reduce further the research resources," writes Pasquale Stano, a synthetic biologist working on a short-term contract at Roma Tre University, in an e-mail to Science Careers.

Young researchers on short-term contracts in particular view the law as the last--or at least the latest--blow to their professional ambitions at the hands of the Italian academic research system. Until the new law was passed, the high average age--52--of the 18,700 current associate professors in Italy and of the 19,600 full professors--59--was a source of hope for younger researchers who thought they might someday fill one of the slots their elders held. But "the consequence of this new cut of funds [is that] young people like me, or like Ph.D. students ... do not have any future in research" in this country, Stano says.

The Rete Nazionale Ricercatori Precari (RNRP)--Italy's National Network for Precarious Researchers--which was founded in 2003 to defend the interests of nonpermanent research staff in Italy, puts the number of short-term contract researchers working in the country at 50,000. So far this year, fewer than 300 ricercatori positions--the first rung on the Italian academic career ladder--have opened, according to Leuzzi, who has been involved in RNRP since its early days. According to figures from the Italian Ministry for Education, University, and Research , slightly more than 2000 short-term contract researchers are absorbed into the system in a typical year. (Today, Italy has about 23,600 such positions.)

Even as the number of short-term contract researchers moving into potentially permanent posts declines, Legge 133/08 is also likely to reduce the number of contract positions available in Italy. "The temporary research staff will be the first to be left behind, just not hired anymore" once their contracts run out, says Marcella Ravaglia, a 32-year-old postdoctoral computational chemist at the University of Ferrara who is also an RNRP member.

Waves of protest

Marcella Ravaglia

Marcella Ravaglia

Starting this past summer, groups within public universities and research institutions--including contract researchers--began holding educational events to alert their communities about the law's implications. Many meetings and workshops have since taken place in which "we try to make new proposals to go into the opposite direction, to try to understand what the best thing to reform the university system" would be, Leuzzi says.

Protest initiatives have also spread outside universities. Scientific lectures aimed at alerting the public were delivered in public squares, for example. In Ferrara, as in many other places in Italy, "we wrote letters to the rectors, to the ministers, to the president of the Republic; we opened petitions to stimulate students, academic staff, families, citizens, to take action," Ravaglia says.

During the last few months, these activities have moved "a large part of the university community to the street," Ravaglia says, as researchers and others have organized strikes and demonstrations at universities, research centers, and major cities. The protests peaked on 14 November when L'Onda (The Wave), the Italian student group that instigated the protests and now gives its name to the movement against the new laws, "invaded the city of Rome with colors and singing," as Ravaglia, who took part in the march, puts it. The organizers say 200,000 people marched; national authorities claim there were only 30,000 of them.

Right after the march, the protesters "decided to create a national network of Ph.D. students and untenured professors and untenured researchers," Leuzzi says--a larger network that now, he hopes, will give them more clout. "We need a lot of power to be able to discuss on an almost fair level with the Berlusconi government," he says.

A future on hold

On 10 November, the Italian government introduced a new decree with immediate effect--the DL 180 --that amends certain aspects of the Legge 133/08 for 6 months, with the senate now pondering the passage of this new decree into a longer term law.

Under DL 180, public research agencies are for now exempt from the 10% cut in nonmanagerial staff mandated by Legge 133/08 . The decree now also authorizes universities above a set financial threshold to use half of the funds made vacant by staff retirement for the creation of new positions.

But DL 180 also allows those new positions to be short-term, which, Ravaglia believes, means that a large part of them will be. In an uncertain budget climate, "if you give the possibility to an institution to hire permanent or temporary staff on the same basis, then of course [they] will go on hiring temporary staff," he says. The effects of DL 180 are even more onerous than the original law at institutions in the direst financial straits; those institutions will not be allowed to replace anyone. "Ten percent of Italian universities cannot hire anybody," Leuzzi estimates.

The impact of DL 180 can already be felt. Last October, Duccio Panzani, a 35-year-old clinical veterinary researcher in equine reproduction at the University of Pisa, won a tenure-track ricercatore position in a concorso after a 3-year postdoc. He was hoping to take his position next month, but he now must wait until the end of the year to see if his university will be allowed to replace its retiring workers. Meanwhile, "I'm nothing right now; I am not paid to work," Panzani says.

More changes coming

Duccio Panzani

Duccio Panzani

Because of yet another law under consideration-- the 2009 financial law --there are no guarantees even for scientists like Leuzzi who were in the process of being brought into permanent positions. The 2007 financial law ( Legge 296/06) provided 3 years of national funding to stabilize 5-year ricercatori positions like his following a positive evaluation. The new financial law would now end this practice . "Either I become permanent before June 2009, or at the end of my contract--that is, December 2009--I have to look for something else," Leuzzi says.

Finding an alternative position--even a temporary one--won't be easy. "Certainly, I cannot find any kind of contract at the institution where I work," Leuzzi says. That's because Legge 133/08 forbids institutions from offering contract positions to those who don't have permanent posts before the June deadline. Meanwhile, Leuzzi--like many other scientists--have passed over other opportunities.

Policy changes like these have both scientific and human consequences. "Since I ... have a family and I have to pay a loan, ... I need to maintain some income," Leuzzi adds. "The easiest thing for me would be to go abroad at the moment and to go alone," Leuzzi says.

The situation for early-career Italian scientists has always been difficult. But recently, Leuzzi says, things have gotten dire. "There is no future" for young scientists in Italy, he says. "Either they just get rid of my generation and they start anew--but this would be a huge loss of expertise--or they invest a lot of money and make clear laws that stay the same for at least 10 years so that people can understand what is the right way to make a career."

Science magazine reports on Italy's academic hiring restrictions in its 3 October 2008 issue . (PDF, subscription required)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hemorrhoids On Menstrual Cycle Common

La ricerca calpestata Sabato 29 Novembre dalle 10 alle 17

La ricerca calpestata è un'iniziativa che si propone di portare everyone working in the square in the world of Italian research (researchers, technologists, administrative, technical, structured and unstructured) to tell the public the research in our country.

Theatre this initiative will be the Piazza Maggiore in Bologna , covered by our faces that will be trampled: the emblem of what is going to research in Italy. We will be there with our stories, our passions and difficulties, to talk about our work through information material, banquets, classes and road everything we can to mind!

Saturday, November 29 from 10 to 17

10:00 - 10.30: "Energy Conservation in Buildings" (Simon Scalbi, ENEA)
10:30 to 11:00, "Science Shop: The research is based on the questions of society 'civil' (Mark Matterhorn - Bottega Science)
11:00 to 11:30: Women's Search Trample "(Francesca Cappellaro, ENEA)
11:30 to 12:00:" Radioactivity "(James DeSanctis, INFN)
12:00 to 12:30:" Nanotechnology "(Massimiliano Cavallini, CNR-ISMN)
12:30 to 12:55:" ice-free oceans "(Micol Todesco, INGV)

LUNCH Open Mic and Music
13:55 to 14:20: "Affinity and bioseparazioni: they are love stories, but purify proteins with passion ...."
(Cristiana Boi, Universita 'di Bologna)
14:20 to 14:45: "To explore and unravel the mysteries of the universe with the LHC and Grid (Claudia Ciocca and Sergio Andreozzi, INFN / CNAF)
14:45 to 15:10: "The Search for Lost Tsunami" (Luigi Vigliotti, CNR-ISMAR)
15:10 to 15:35: "A few, slight but important: the gases in the atmosphere and climate change" (Federico Fierli, CNRISAC)
15:35 to 16:00: "The obscure mechanisms of landslides: lessons from Vajont"
(Pete Francis, University of Southampton)
16:00 to 16:30 "Climate Change: A planet with no ice?"
(Letizia German CMCC)
16:30 to 17:00: "Early Cosmos" (Luke Valenziano, INAF-IASF)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How Long Does It Take For A Hematoma To Go Away

Social Forum "Do not throw anything away" to the Fly Fly Fly Fly to the 2008 CIF

A Roseto - Teramo - a forum on alternative energy or generate energy from municipal solid waste
Enrico Grosso

Sunday, October 19, from 15 to 19 at il residence Marechiaro sito sul lungomare Trento di Roseto degli Abruzzi si è tenuto una tavola rotonda sul binomio:

Rifiuti – Energia

Dopo una breve introduzione da parte di Omar Pandoli vicepresidente dell’associazione Rosæmente che ha illustrato alcune iniziative e idee sul riciclaggio dei rifiuti sono iniziati gli interventi degli ospiti e la presentazione dei loro progetti.
L’assessore all’ambiente Achille Frezza del comune di Roseto degli Abruzzi ha promesso che, in collaborazione con il presidente del CIRSU la dott.ssa Lunella Cerquoni inizierà a breve nel City of the Rose Garden waste collection method with door to door. The aim will be to reverse the current rate of recycling (25%) compared all'indifferenziata (75%) who ends up in landfills.
fly over the severe economic crisis which involved the CIRSU (now divided into Cirsu Heritage SPA and the operating arm Soges SpA recently recapitalized) and what will be his future as a policy in this area will decide in the Abruzzo region.
To eliminate waste in the various illegal dumps in Abruzzo and for responding to this emergency in accordance with the dr. Cerquone need to have a new landfill in the province of Teramo without prejudice to the point di partenza che è la raccolta porta a porta.

L’intervento dell’Avvocato Manola Di Pasquale commissario unico del consorzio agrario di Teramo è stato introduttivo alla presentazione, da parte di due consulenti tecnici, del Progetto BIOGAS Reflui zootecnici :una nuova risorsa. Il progetto è stato presentato al Ministero dell’Agricoltura ed è in attesa della valutazione finale per il finanziamento del progetto.

Dr. Gianni Caramanico illustrated cycles closed in the district Bioenergetic Maiella for local development. The problem of energy resources is the basis of the study conducted by the district just think that in 2050 there will be 9.5 billion people worldwide and it will be necessary even now to start thinking in terms of energy production from municipal waste as an alternative oil. The idea is
to exploit the fuel crisis to use local models for geographically distributed and a new approach to development with organizational and technological analysis of each case depending on the type of biomass (wet, dry, carbon, nitrogen) which will be considered.

Afterwards there was the intervention of Dr. Umberto Di Loreto operator of environmental education of the regional natural reserve of the WWF Oasis Badlands of Atri who presented the project "For those who empties the bell" in the name of saving and sustainability education from elementary schools. The island's ecological Pineto should be an example to follow and a place to visit for all the people of Abruzzo sensitive to ecological and environmental problems.

Vittorio Di Giacinto happy promoter of the movement of decrease in the province of Teramo and the political movement "free people of Abruzzo as well as president of the cultural Reset News has invited all those present to ask for the site Maurizio Pallante for a new vision of progress with a view contrary to 'Current exaggerated consumerism. The purpose of buying should not be consumption but the use, collaboration rather than competition with the goal of freeing people from the role of tools in economic growth in the economy and replace its management role of the community for a quality of life better for everyone.

Sandro Scerni expert in waste collection and communication with its environmental studies, not only to the Abruzzo region, wanted to focus attention and emphasize the complexity of the system of waste management is characterized by several highly interconnected components and the fundamental role of politics in the final decisions.

To close the day there was the explanation of Eng. Francesca Falconi responsible for the spin off ENEA LCA (Life Cycle Assistance) Assistance of the life cycle of a product.

Agena for the sake of the greater cause was absent but enclosed by a letter signed by the President of the province Ernino D'Agostino.

A system of waste management is a complex system characterized by a number of highly interconnected components. The integrated management of municipal waste considering the total range of waste streams that must be managed and presents the available waste management practices as a set of options to choose from in the light of specific economic and environmental considerations (Morrissey and Browne, 2004).
The meaning of the concept of integrated consideration that is contained in the most serious problems related to waste management have to do with factors other than money and technology. Some issues have to do with the habits and behavior of citizens, the staff that The Manage waste, private companies and the collection of waste. Other problems are caused or made worse, however, by factors that are neither technical nor economic, but related and managerial skills, the institutional framework, the environmental, social or cultural. In such cases the solution is not to provide economic and technological factors, but rather a change in social, institutional, legislative or policy.

globally Act locally to live ............
Enrico Grosso

Dunlop Volley Shoes Nz

Ecofestival 2008 Roseto degli Abruzzi Roseto Beach

What then, say frisbee.
decidedly limited when it comes to a sport added to the Fly Fly. Why
on the beach of Roseto degli Abruzzi, 18 and 19 October last year, il frisbee è diventato spettacolo ai massimi livelli, ma anche trait d’union fra lo sport e uno spazio di comunicazione.

In un fine settimana dal cielo corrucciato ma che ha regalato un vento perfetto, pioggia notturna e giornate asciutte, il Vola Vola si è, ancora una volta, dimostrato l’evento innovativo, coerente, spettacolare e caratterizzante che ogni anno i giocatori di frisbee
(e il pubblico) aspettano di vivere.

Ci vogliono passione ed energia per ‘fare’ un Vola Vola.
Quella passione che fa incontrare trenta giocatori su una spiaggia finalmente libera, splendida, mai ‘chiusa per inverno’. Quell’energia che fa creare un villaggio-messaggio eco-sostenibile, with interesting stand, where to stay, learn, listen, learn, energy that defies the stereotypes that they want the beach live only three months a year and the soul, in a more positive way: by playing the audience, creating an opportunity for learn a new sport that believes in self-discipline sport, while respecting nell'avversario in the fun when you compete at the highest levels ...
energy, passion, desire to believe in a new way to play sports and create an event: these are the characteristics of the Fly Fly, its organizers and those who participate.

The frisbee is one of the souls of this event, the most spectacular.
The freestylers, even for this edition 2008, hanno portato routines incredibili, spettacolo puro, confermando ancora una volta, ce ne fosse stato bisogno, che gli italiani sono, ora, i migliori giocatori al mondo.
Lo hanno dimostrato creando nuove performances, nuovi team, spesso inediti, talvolta così inediti che le routines venivano create lì, sulla spiaggia, in attesa del momento della gara.
Nomi illustri nel panorama del frisbee freestyle mondiale, giocatori che hanno vinto, in questo lungo anno sportivo, tornei mondiali, europei e che si sono presentati al Vola Vola consapevoli di avere un appuntamento altrettanto importante: il Campionato Italiano.

Dopo anni di ‘anarchia’, il frisbee freestyle si è infatti riappropriato della size and serious sport, joining the Italian Federation of Frisbee (FIFD) and Roseto degli Abruzzi has hosted the first tournament officially recognized.
Another feather in the Fly Fly, which now boasts prestigious tournaments in his 'Curriculum', such as a European and an Italian as well as several international editions of the contest.
But for the freestylers, the Fly Fly is not just sport.
E 'even more.
E 'to meet on a beautiful beach, in a friendly city, to listen to good live music and interesting people talking about how to live in a society that is fair, inclusive, clean, projected towards a sustainable future.

What then, say frisbee.
decidedly limited, no, to describe Fly Fly?

He Tasini

Monday, November 10, 2008

Card Game Frustrarion

The news of Lucca '08 Aus Open

Alberto Ponticelli
Size: 22 x 29
Paperback - 152 pages - € 15.00

A future is alienating the world described by Roach. Cloning has allowed the immortality of men. The only goal that is possible and right to have is: productivity, work. No human contact, no emotion. They are all trapped in their rooms, in their suits and in their minds, cockroaches are all locked, all cockroaches ... but like all insects eventually someone flees, one of these rebels.

Size: 18 x 19.5
Paperback - 88 pages - € 10.00

Kumiko is a girl who has many lovers, and who notes in his diary every meeting. One summer afternoon, the parents away, the house free ... What better situation to get to know the shy and inexperienced Tomoaki?

Sebastiano Festa and Yoshitaka Nagai
Size: 21x30
Paperback - 136 pages - € 12.00

And if you say that you still have a few months of life? What would you do? Probably mad that you would have never dreamed of doing, healthy people, you deal with "matters pending" ... Billy no. He decided to do nothing, to bask in his usual routine and do not tell anyone. Business as usual. Billy looks forward to ... but soon discover that there are things you should not slip on as if nothing had happened, to which items you like it or not to listen.

Julia Bertan

Size: 21x30
Paperback - 56 pages - € 10.00

Pornopolis dream city where alienation, unhappiness and anger can be provided! The remedy? Buy personalities serialized the largest industrial city produces and sells! But what if a person is born and grows with its ideas, with multi-personality, and you can not "plug" the mouth? Alice, will lead us to discover this wonderful world ...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Will Cat Allergies Improve Over Time?

Fly Fly 2008 October 18 to 19 of Borsacchio

Fly The Fly is structured as a Ecofestival, which is a show in an exhibition area, from year to wide and more years, and a calendar of cultural events of thick, conferences, seminars, workshops, and workshops and even moments of animation and entertainment and sport.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Can You Get Herpes On Your Arms And Legs

Nature Reserve, Summer 2008 15-19 October 2008 OUT OF PLACE

in work activities within the reserve Borsacchio of Roseto degli Abruzzi.

If you know the purpose of the restructuring, please write to

Thanks and continue to create questions

The Ass. AE

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How Much Drag Does A Drag Suit Provide

A Ecofestival that has a place and a permanent home.

imaginary space created by each of us to exchange art, ideas, matter and life energy.

An appointment displaced and animated by different actors and spect-actors in schools, parks, clubs and open-air stages.

A get-together to have the head and feet of moving clouds that are opposed to the everyday and the quiet everyday.

Asst AE

Monday, August 4, 2008

Womrn Genatalia Tatoos

Fly Fly Ecofestival 2008

Dear Friends, associates and enemies,

to fly fly ecofestival 0rganizzazione of 2008 we will need all of you. This year will be reduced to five days 15 to 19 October. The topics covered are central to the fair, 4: Ecomobile, waste management, music and sport.
If you have ideas or want to live art forms that will collect all the inputs to be able to accommodate within our event.
Write on the official blog of the association to create the necessary critical mass event.

Good day to all

Asst AE

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ask A Guy To A Dance With Candy

The restoration work lasted about three weeks but now everything is in order. At least it seems. To enter
knock here.

Pvc Pipe Freezing Point

Review of Serious Toyz's Ausonia Ausonia

Baboni Luke speaks of Ausonia's Serious Toyz in the pages of Comicus

... is striking to note that the figures, despite their apparent immobility, acquire while reading the entire range of human expression.
Ausonia subverts the natural process of construction of the text comic, which usually is a two - the sticker holding the box and vice versa - stripping his characters of the facial expressions and giving expression only through dialogue.
they are, in fact, to give vitality to the "objects" inanimate contained in the cartoons, which so acquire the dignity of people.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

White Stuff On Clitoris

Comicus on the blogosphere salutes and goes ... Reportage

Francis "Ausonia" Ciampi with a thoughtful decision today but suddenly decided to close his blog .

It is certainly not for us to judge whether the decision is right or wrong to say that we certainly feel the lack of his post.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Why Does My Stomach Swell Up

evening "The Forest" on afNews

again on the evening of June 1 to Carpi. With afNews for the story with photographs and interview made by Laura Braga.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mjakmilosc Streszczenia

Milo Manara and spot Permaflex

E 'on the air for several days on the national network commercials created by Milo Manara that in the past had worked for the press campaign of the famous brand "the little man with the striped pajamas."

In this commercial that was filmed in Buenos Aires and in forging the animation Milo Manara wearing the famous striped pajamas and is awakened by the kiss to one of their "little women."

The implementation is a collaborative effort Leopoldo Bloom Editore between the agency and Distillery Bologna.

The song is called morning and was composed and performed by Marco Murari .

Samples Welcome Address

The stage